The Shaving Cadre

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Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

Jan.20: ASD2 w/SuperMax(3) .............. Graydog silvertip ..... Nivea cream ......................... Nivea Cool Sensitive

Great post-workout shave, but it's garbage day and I was chasing the neighbour's cardbox and paper around my yard at 6:45am in a t-shirt at -16C (3F). Grrrrr

Also, had a nice 550 cal shake (packed with protein) as my 2nd breakfast.
Okay, so I'm sure somewhere buried in the forums you have mentioned this. But why is it you feel you need to gain weight? I mean other than to make everyone else jealous with your daily meal postings.
With a little bit of time to mull it over, I think that I can provide a real answer to @NurseDave 's question as to my motive for gaining (healthy) weight.

When I was in my 20's and early 30's, I used to be in REALLY good shape. Football ("soccer" for most North Americans) was 4 x a week (2 practice, 2 games + coaching youth) had me with solid cardio as well as leg muscles , abs and even enough lats to provide a mini-V back. 20 years ago, I left 8-4 office work and started consulting/contracting on my own, which led to long hours (most weeks were 50+ hours, with 60-70 ones not uncommon). Good money but it basically meant that I had to stop football as I could no longer meet my commitments, especially as a youth coach. 16+ years of that resulting in me developing a small "office belly," chicken legs, and losing just about any muscle definition that I had.

I don't think that it would be healthy for me to try to go back to the lean 130-135lbs I was in my early 30's, as that would mean losing 25 lbs, but I least I can try to get in shape again ... and that means feeding my body enough carbs and protein to facilitate healthy muscle growth. I don't eat very much red meat at all, preferring the taste of M&M veggie burgers over beef, and that probable leaves me a little protein deficient in my diet as I'm not a big fish fan and eat chicken maybe 2-3x per week. I'm basically about 75-80% vegetarian by choice.... I simply like how the food tastes rather than for any other reason (spiritual, animal rights, etc...)

My daily exercise is going well (I think) and I've dropped 2 inches from my waist over the past 2 months (started in early Dec) and I'm now a 31-32" waist. My legs got skinnier but more defined, as did my arms. Alas, I'm always hungry and my muscles started to "tingle" if I tightened them, which is most likely because they are not getting enough fuel to recover.

So basically, my weight gain goal is to pack on a healthy 10lbs of muscle (20 is my stupid "reach" goal) and start to get back into some sort of shape that resembles where I used to be. Not looking to enter any Mr. Old Fart Bodybuilding Championships 😜
Yup, 2 months of daily sweating for 45 mins basically burned off most of whatever small about of body fat I had under my skin.

I take it that your pic is one of "Say whaaatt???? " rather than "OMG, that's sexy!" 😜
I probably should be posting about my efforts to gain weight here rather than the group thread (other than weekly check-ins), as I don't want to be CEC-operative-ish and have folks fail. 🤔 I'm hoping we can all achieve the goals we set out for. ⭐
My new mid-morning shake is 550 cals -vs- 120, so I did not eat lunch until ~2pm, which meant no mid-afternoon snackie-snack. :cautious:
Supper is ready now though! Chicken leg (drum+thigh), sweet potato, cauliflower, and peas!
Jan.21: ASD2 w/SuperMax(4) .............. Graydog silvertip ..... Nivea cream ......................... Nivea Cool Sensitive

After almost 2 months of working out on the elliptical for 45 mins daily (Hey, don't laugh, I'm sweating buckets averaging ~135 step/min), I added some bench press this morning. Not a great deal (~50% of body weight) for 5x5 reps, but it should give some balance to my exercise.
This feels like the supermodel complaining that they are having a bad hair day.

Of course, @Somnos has fixed that problem.
...Even when I had hair...I never complained about it not being perfect..because that never happened...EVER. :sneaky:...further, when my hair did finally decide to move on my melon was kind enough to leave a wonderful and smooth canvass for all to bask in the glory of it's I have lost 25 pounds since Oct 19th....Sam through our cosmic connection seems to be acquiring it...:p