Received a phone call from my chess club this afternoon; the "normal" one where you play on a board and games only last 3-4 hours, not the correspondence site where games can last 2+ years.

BTW can any chess club actually be considered "normal?"
After 10 months of being closed due to Covid, they are starting a regular weekly (or was that bi-weekly?

) ZOOM call for the members, alternating between instructional/coaching sessions and "get to know your fellow member" sessions. The first ZOOM call will be this Thursday and they've asked me to be the inaugural guest and participate in a Q&A as well as go through a memorable game that I have played. I picked one from 1990 and think that about 2/3s of the club member were not even born then.

Hopefully, it will be fun for everyone.
BTW the reason they chose me instead of
@Somnos is purely one of remuneration. .... and the geek-factor. Ed doesn't do "chess geek speak"