The Shaving Cadre

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Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

Nov.23 Schick Xtreme3(6) ........... Eagle G2 ................. Gillette Pure cream ................. Clubman milk

Woke up this morning and was treated to a very intense physical experience in bed for my birthday .... A charley horse in my left calf! Get your mind out of the gutters! It went away after a few minutes of hard knuckling and rubbing, but it's still a little sore right now, about 5 hours later.

It's nice that most Americans are celebrating my birthday and that make me feel special, even though I do not know that VAST majority of them.

As for me, my normal shave this morning, and since it's Thursday, it's bridge club in the afternoon once again. I will be skipping chess chub in the evening, as my wife has arranged for us to meet some friends at a local pub for supper.
Nov.24 Schick Xtreme3(7) ........... Eagle G2 ................. Gillette Pure cream ................. Clubman milk

Thank you all for the "celebration of the anniversary of my birthday" wishes! Yes, just in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm strange like that. I chowed down on nachos and 2 Guinness and I think we all enjoyed ourselves. Either that or we deluded ourselves into thinking that the three hours we spent together was fun. LOL

A simple shave again today (aren't they all?) and catching up on some chess, football, and will hopefully get to read more of Slaughterhouse-Five later on.
Vonnegut and my father both went to Short Ridge HS in Indy, my father was pretty certain that Vonnegut was the elder of the two and doubts they could have crossed paths. They both entered the war within about a year of finishing HS. My dad got into the US Merchant Marine Academy in 1942. His first ship was sunk by a U-Boat-placed mine off Nova Scotia, got picked up by a fishing boat out of Halifax (?). No crew was lost, thanks to the crew of Caroline Rose
Nov.25 Schick Xtreme3(8) ........... Eagle G2 ................. Gillette Pure cream ................. Clubman milk

'Twas a busy day so far! Out for some light groceries this morning and home again before all the streets with access to my road close down for this evening's Santa Claus Parade. We made the mistake before of getting "taped" outside and had to spend way too long with the police to explain why we should be allowed to access the road (which the parade was not on) to get to the road where we lived.

The majority of the afternoon was spent doing two things: finish reading Slaughterhouse-Five (an EXCELLENT book!) and the putting up the Christmas stuff. Next thing I knew, it was 4:38pm and I had not yet shaved! Quickly remedied that, so now all is well.
Nov.26 Schick Xtreme3(9) ........... Eagle G2 ................. Gillette Pure cream ................. Clubman milk

Another simple morning shave to kick off "Laundry Sunday," which happens every week, strangely enough. A quick trip to Wally-mart with wifey to check out their Christmas ornaments and then home to tackle the laundry and watch football.
Nov.27 Schick Xtreme3(10) ......... Eagle G2 ................. Gillette Pure cream ................. Clubman milk

A mid-morning shave today, as we head into the edge of Toronto for an appointment. After that, I will continue my reading of the latest book on SBF's rise and downfall. Other than that ... today appears to be ... meh.
Nov.28 Schick Xtreme3(11) ......... Eagle G2 ................. Gillette Pure cream ................. Clubman milk

Last with with this cart today and it delivered well enough. Nothing to complain about with it at all. This will let me start a new one tomorrow and hopefully the slime strip will be gone in a few days, as we will heading out to go cruising for a week.