The Shaving Cadre

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Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

Oct.04 ASD2/Astra SP(2) ............. Eagle G2 .................. CBL Hombres ......................... Clubman milk

Thanks to @thombrogan and his remote alarm clock, I was up bright an early at 6:30am to put the recycling out to the curb. A quick coffee and then about an hour and a half lying on the couch listening to the news. As Tim says ... (you know what goes here!)

30 mins on the elliptical for the first time in close to 2 weeks. I started with the resistance down at 8/20, but quickly ramped it back up to 14/20 (where I was pre-Covid) as I felt no muscle resistance at all. However, I did slow my pace quite a bit from ~100 strides/min down to an average of around 75, as my chest still feels like I have a weight on it and I get tired easily. In the end, I don't think I overdid it, but I was tired (no pooped-tired) afterwards and rewarded myself with a welcome shower'n'shave.
Oct.05 ASD2/Astra SP(3) ............. Eagle G2 .................. CBL Hombres ......................... Clubman milk

Life seems to be getting back to normal. I was feeling well enough to work on some spreadsheets yesterday, so that's a good sign. I won't play at the chess club this evening as I think that 3 hours of concentration would be too much right now. I'll resume play next week.

Nice shower and shave to kick off this Thursday.
Oct.05 ASD2/Astra SP(3) ............. Eagle G2 .................. CBL Hombres ......................... Clubman milk

Life seems to be getting back to normal. I was feeling well enough to work on some spreadsheets yesterday, so that's a good sign. I won't play at the chess club this evening as I think that 3 hours of concentration would be too much right now. I'll resume play next week.
Great that you're feeling better, Sam!
Oct.06 ASD2/Astra SP(1) ............. Eagle G2 .................. CBL Hombres ......................... Clubman milk

Chess club was good last night. I stuck around for 2 hours to collect membership dues (I'm Treasurer) before heading home. Felt pretty good, relatively speaking, so from here on out, I'll be re-engaging in my (ab)normal life.

On the elliptical again this morning and upped my pace to the low 80s stride-count and by the time the weekend is finished, I should be back to my uber-sweaty workouts. Life is returning to normal ... and today's shave was as deliciously non-descript as ever.
Oct.07 ASD2/Astra SP(2) ............. Eagle G2 .................. CBL Hombres ......................... Clubman milk

A late morning workout on the elliptical, hitting just over 90 strides/min which is close to what my normal was for the resistance level I am at. Had a good sweat and my legs were not tired at all, so that's a big plus for me getting back into the swing of things. Saturday noon-ish shave was nice and refreshing, even though I somehow managed to get a strawberry on my cheek with the ASD2. How does that happen?
A late morning workout on the elliptical, hitting just over 90 strides/min which is close to what my normal was for the resistance level I am at. Had a good sweat and my legs were not tired at all, so that's a big plus for me getting back into the swing of things.
Do you also work out your arms on the elliptical, or do you simply use them for balance?
The movable arms on an elliptical don't really work your arms as their motion is generally driven by your leg power. Unless you're trying to get an upper body workout and making your arms do the work, all you're really doing is having the elliptical's arms move your arms rather than vice-versa. Of course, different models probably have adjustments that can be made, but I'm not going to spend a few thousand for that when mine works just fine (and cost a few grand when we got it about 15+ years ago.

One thing to be aware of with fixed arm/frame ellipticals is that you can whack out your lower back if you use improper form and lean forward on the frame. That's a big reason why I go hands-free.