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Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

Sep.23 37C/Astra SP(3) ............... Eagle G2 .................. CBL Hombres ......................... Clubman milk

An early start to the day for me this morning! Up at 6:30am, early coffee, no workout, early shave and out the door around 8:30 to help run local kids tournaments for our town's chess club. I ended up with all the under-10 kids and ran 4 parallel tnmts, each with 8 players, in the morning followed by a pizza lunch for all. After that, I ran 8 4-player tnmts for our afternoon session and managed to get things wrapped up and home around 5pm... which was just in time for a much needed catnap before supper!

I am pooped! One of the parents sought me out near the end to say she was impressed with how well I did. "Herding cats!" was my wide-eyed eyebrow-raised crazy-face response, to which she laughed and said, "I know! I teach kindergarten!" We both had a much need laugh.

It was good for the kids and talking to them throughout the day, it seems like they all had fun. And that's the only thing that counts.

*whew* Is it time for bed yet?
It was good for the kids and talking to them throughout the day, it seems like they all had fun. And that's the only thing that counts.
I used to take my son to local and regional chess tournaments. Did this for 2-3 years. It was fun to watch him grow and improve. The competitiveness of the older kids was real - in fact there was some cheating that my son told me about. He topped out at about 1200 ranking, which is pretty good for the length of time he competed. He maintains an interest in chess today, playing online games against random people.

Good for you for bringing it to kids. It's a healthy way for them to spend some time. Exercises the brain, too.
Sep.24 ASD2/Astra SP(1) ............... Eagle G2 .................. CBL Hombres ......................... Clubman milk

Well, if you remember my Friday post (and if you don't just scroll up a little LOL), I didn't sleep well that night at all, but a middle-of-the-night ibuprofen fixed me up for some solid shuteye. The same thing happened last night with a headache and sinuses, and an ibuprofen at 3am fixed me up again. Well enough that I got out of bed at 1:20pm today after going to be about 10pm last night.

15.5 hrs in bed is NOT like me at all, so I decided to take a Covid test even though I though it was just a cold. A positive result saw me retest and my wife take a test as well. I retested as positive and she negative. *sigh*

So now I have moved into three rooms (spare bedroom, office/computer room, and the main/guest bathroom) and will mask when in the common are as coffee is still VERY important! Wifey tried instant when I was snoozing this morning and wants her regular french press fix! Gotta love a woman with her priorities in order.

I've notified my two chess clubs and bridge club to pass on the info to our members so they can keep an eye out. Should be an interesting (if by interesting, you mean "zombie brain-dead boring") next 10 days.

Oh, shave was good (better than meh given the comparison to the rest of the day) so today is not a total write-off. Silver lining!
Life happens. I'm fully vax'd and was lining up for a another booster next month, but there's no such thing as 100% immunity. At least I am up and about and coherent enough to shave, post, and play chess online.
Sep.25 ASD2/Astra SP(2) ............. Eagle G2 .................. CBL Hombres ......................... Clubman milk

My internal clock is sooooo messed up. Up every hour or so due to sinuses or having to pee, tossing and turning... yadda yadda yadda , blah blah blah

Got out of bed to make coffee at 8am and then read some news before heading back to bed again. A noonish shower and shave followed by a pot of soup (about 6-7 cups) and then I took a nap under our apricot tree in a lounger.

I'm trying to take in lots of liquids but as soon as I drink anything hot, the sweat start to pop! I'll get through it though.
Sep.25 ASD2/Astra SP(2) ............. Eagle G2 .................. CBL Hombres ......................... Clubman milk

My internal clock is sooooo messed up. Up every hour or so due to sinuses or having to pee, tossing and turning... yadda yadda yadda , blah blah blah

Got out of bed to make coffee at 8am and then read some news before heading back to bed again. A noonish shower and shave followed by a pot of soup (about 6-7 cups) and then I took a nap under our apricot tree in a lounger.

I'm trying to take in lots of liquids but as soon as I drink anything hot, the sweat start to pop! I'll get through it though.
Hope you're feeling better soon, Sam. :)
Can't believe that I am rooting for a former-Brady-team tonight as the Bucs take on the Iggles. But as they say...

The enemy of my enemy is .... ummm, I know it, I know it.....

Got it!!!

The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy! 😜
Sep.26 ASD2/Astra SP(3) ............. Eagle G2 .................. CBL Hombres ......................... Clubman milk

Well, another sleepless night but not as bad as the previous few. Out of bed at 10, make coffee, read the news, worked on some chess, answered some emails and then a shower and shave at around 12:30. Even though I'm not doing much, I'm pooped.

Thankfully, the sinuses are starting to clear up enough that I am now only occasionally in risk of getting a mask full of boogers when I step out into our kitchen to make coffee. That's the only common area I am allowed to venture into and that's because SWMBO doesn't know how to make french press coffee.

All in all, it could be much worse, so life is good! (As Tim says)
Sep.27 ASD2/Astra SP(1) ............. Eagle G2 .................. CBL Hombres ......................... Clubman milk

This morning ended up being a Good News - Bad News type of start to the day.

Good News - I slept the best in almost a week and woke up refreshed (i.e. only 80% tired instead of 100%)
Bad News - Wifey was coughing and said she has a sore throat
Good News - She tested negative for Covid
Bad News - She now (a few hours later) is alternating between chills and heat flashes

*sigh* She provably has Covid, just now showing up on the test yet.

And to end the post on on a positive vibe....

Good News - Nice shave!
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