Happy New Year, everyone!!
The funny thing is, when I got up this morning and made coffee, it tasted the same as last year's, the weather was very similar (although lighter outside this morning than last night when I went to bed), and the news has the same stories. Sometimes change is good (Donkey), but sometimes, "steady as she goes" is also commendable.
Heading over to my brother's across town (just under 50 miles) for supper today as we didn't hook-up over Christmas, which gave me the morning "off." Well, not really off, as I crushed down a whole load of boxes from the closet in my office/chess/computer room. Still ended up with about 8 cubic feet of sliced cardboard. Yup, that was a LOT of boxes I was hoarding; no wonder the closet was full.
Chesswise, with today's correspondence rating publication (done quarterly), I have now officially crossed into the "2400 club," making me #6 in Canada. Putting it into perspective, I would be only #41 in the US; Chess goals for 2020 would be to gain my IM title and maybe get 1/2-way to the SIM title.
Outside of chess, not many goals except perhaps to whisper "retire retire retire" into my wife's ears while she sleeps

and to actually have my soap stockpile DECREASE this year (curse you,
@CBLindsay !!
