Recovered from being down with a bad cold for 5 days, I though I would provide an update on a just completed tournament I played in.
Started on Jan.15.2018 to honour the memory of the world's oldest International Master, Canadian Zoltan Sarosy, who passed away on Jun.22.2017 at the age of 110, this tournament came to its conclusion on Jan.03.2020 as a resounding success for several of its Canadian participants.
Zoltan earned his IM title at the age of 82 
, so there's still hope for all of us young'uns!
After two years of play, I finished tied for first (even after 2 tiebreaks were applied) and earned my first IM norm (2 are needed for the title).
George Bukowski came in third after tiebreaks (almost a 3-way tie for first after 2 tiebreaks), earning his IM title after gaining his final norm. (Congrats, my friend, even though I know you will not read this!).
Michael Dufour earned the CCM title for his fine result.
Only 11 games of the 105 played were decisive; 94 were draws.