The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

Dec.24 ASD2/Wilkinson(4) ............ EJ STF synth ............. Cella ....................................... Stetson milk

Up late night night (midnight is LATE for me) with our TSC family on a Zoom call watching everyone open their Christmas Secret Santa gifts and it was a blast. The generosity and thoughtfulness of everyone is simply amazing.

This morning's shave was pretty good as well.

We came through the storm okay and now get to venture out on the road for a few minutes to do some slight grocery shopping. Then it's home all day and tomorrow. Perhaps I'll mix up some of this year's trendy drink:

Espresso Martini
1/2 vodka
1/4 coffee liqueur
1/4 espresso (cold)
Dec.25 ASD2/Wilkinson(5) ............ EJ STF synth ............. Cella ....................................... Stetson milk

A nice and simple 1pm shave for me on this brisk Christmas day. There's just the two of us today and tomorrow, so we took this morning nice and easy, only opening our Christmas stocking ... and that was only because Santa hid the Baileys in one of them. Feasting on bacon, eggs, taters, homemade bread, and coffee commenced at 10am; followed by a short walk in the -15C wind chill for our traditional Christmas selfies in the local wooded park.

Time now to settle in for some football and look forward to a Curry Christmas supper later on. Perhaps we'll even get around to opening our gifts. Who knows!
Dec.26 ASD2/Astra SP(1) ............. Graydog silvertip ....... Cella ....................................... Stetson milk

It's Monday!! and that means a change in brushes (switching to my Graydog silvertip) and, as a double switch-up day, an Astra SP got plopped into the ASD2 as the previous Wilkie has served its 5-days of duty. This Astra seems to be better than the previous one, as there was no tugging at all. A good way to start the day!
Dec.27 ASD2/Astra SP(2) ............. Graydog silvertip ....... Cella ....................................... Stetson milk

Another meh-ishly acceptable shave this morning. While the Astra SP isn't tugging, the result isn't as comfortable a feel on the neck on cheeks as it should be. Still, for 3-4 shaves, it's something I can live with.

We head out this afternoon for another day of Christmas feasting. This time, it is to my sister-in-law's place as our Nova Scotia resident niece is in town for a few days. After that, I think we're done with holiday festivities ... except for nibbling and noshing on loads of unhealthy finger foods on New Year's eve.