The Shaving Cadre

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Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

Jul.02 ASD2/Personna(2) ................ Sagrada synth ...... Captains Choice Venture ...... Captains Choice Venture balm

Happy day-after-Canada-Day! A nice noon-ish shave but somehow I am just as meh-looking as yesterday. My only hope is for my wife to forget to wear her glasses.
Happy day-after-Canada-Day! A nice noon-ish shave but somehow I am just as meh-looking as yesterday. My only hope is for my wife to forget to wear her glasses.
I'm expecting delivery of a dryer by 4p eastern, so I can't shave yet. Got up early to take my son to PT, and was too lazy to shave before noon.
Jul.03 ASD2/Personna(3) ................ Sagrada synth ...... Captains Choice Venture ...... Captains Choice Venture balm

Mid-morning shave today and I mixed it up! I "bowl" lathered in the lid of my soap container and then applied to my face. It didn't really make much of a difference in terms of lather quality, but there were noticeably less drips on the countertop.

Looking to be a great day in the mid-20sC/high-70sF and should be a nice afternoon BBQ over at our friend's place.
I'm hoping for veggie burgers, but I'll settle for chicken ones. 🤪

I'm the opposite of one of my buddies who doesn't like veggies or salad. To quote him, "That's not food. That's my food's food!"
Jul.04 ASD2/Personna(4) ................ Sagrada synth ...... Captains Choice Venture ...... Captains Choice Venture balm

Happy 4th to all my American friends! Enjoy yourself and don't blow off any fingers, either yours of otherwise.

Today saw me with a late afternoon shave (~3:30pm) as I was out weeding one of the box gardens we have. Pulled out just over 1/2 a leaf bag worth of weeds over 4 hours and now I'm pooped. Still it was good work and the other box garden will not take near as much work to do, but then there's about 30 feet along the fence where our Rose of Sharon and Weigela are growing that needs cleaning up as well.
The neighbour's young kids were afraid of bees but I told them how bees help our plants make food and they now say "Get to work, Mister Bee".... but they still are not entirely trusting of them, even though I show them how docile bees are when put my hand in the oregano bush when there's several in there and gently move things around.
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Jul.05 ASD2/Personna(5) ................ Sagrada synth ...... Captains Choice Venture ...... Captains Choice Venture balm

A drizzly day this morning with the spitting rain just being a tease. Too damp too weed or mow the lawn, but not near enough wetness to properly service the garden or lawns. In any event, my sink had enough water to provide for another nice and simply shave.
Jul.06 ASD2/Personna(6) ................ Sagrada synth ...... Captains Choice Venture ...... Captains Choice Venture balm

After the slight rain and drizzle yesterday, I figured that the ground might be softened up a bit today to facilitate some weeding. Sadly, I was correct. 1/2 a leaf bag pulled this morning, followed by just over another 1/2 bag this afternoon meant that I could shave, umm, mow the lawn.

One finished with cropping the grass, it was time for a shower and some cropping of facial hair. Feeling refreshed post-shower but I am pooped once again.