The Shaving Cadre

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Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

Jun.16 ASD2/Crystal(1) .................. Paragon synth ....... Captains Choice Venture ...... Captains Choice Venture balm

Mid-month means a brush switch and, after 21 shaves with the injector, it also is time for a blade/razor swap. A nice shave with the ASD2 and the Paragon synthetic loads and lathers easy as well. Off to look at another retirement home option today.
Jun.17 ASD2/Crystal(2) .................. Paragon synth ....... Captains Choice Venture ...... Captains Choice Venture balm

Solid shave this morning, which is always a good way to kick-off the day.

We did not get out to tour and retirement homes with mom yesterday, as once I started talking to arrange a time, 2 of the 3 on our "still to see" list were too pricey to even bother looking. The 3rd will be visited by us today at noon.
An excellent retirement home visit today saw us coming out with 2 rooms that are within budget; 1 being VERY well under the cap, which would allow for 13 years of mom being self-sufficient rather than the 10-year target we are using. That means there are 3 options out by me that she has. Tomorrow, we will drop her back to my brother's on the other side of Toronto (an hour drive) for them to start looking on that end of town.

Still a long way to go before she can make a decision, including a return to Newfoundland to investigate options down there. It appears to be a good bit cheaper up here than down there. It has to be simply due to the vastly higher population and increased option being available here in the Toronto region.
Jun.18 ASD2/Crystal(3) .................. Paragon synth ....... Captains Choice Venture ...... Captains Choice Venture balm

A normal-time morning shave for me today, as we will be out and about. I hope to squeeze in a short-notice visit to another place this morning as well.

Looking to be a BUSY day!
Jun.19 ASD2/Crystal(4) .................. Paragon synth ....... Captains Choice Venture ...... Captains Choice Venture balm

Goatee (really a Van Dyke) is now gone. Guardless clippers took off the majority of the growth, and the ASD2 took care of the rest, even on shave-4 of the Crystal blade. I have to say that I agree with my wife that I look younger. 👶

My mom and I did not get to your the retirement home yesterday (sales/consultant person was off that day) but we did get to walk around the main floor with the receptionist. VERY open and spacious; it's easily the favorite for both of us from what we have seen and there should be a few rooms that fall within budget. I'll do a proper tour next week and provide info to her and my brother, which is where she is for the next few weeks.
Jun.20 ASD2/Crystal(5) .................. Paragon synth ....... Captains Choice Venture ...... Captains Choice Venture balm

'Tis a Monday and a day off work for me even though I am in Canada, but then again, .... ummmm, yeah, all days are "off work" since I retired. Unless you count picking dandelions. In that case, I work pretty darned hard.