I can see sweet melons being worth it - but bitter melons - you should have seen it coming
You are obviously NOT CanadianThat's like a wheel falling off your car and you can't find the lug nuts. So you put it back on and wrap duct tape around the lugs just knowing that it can't possibly hold together for more than a few hundred feet as you're approaching the highway onramp.
Yup, just like your blade, a 1-day regression is hopefully just a blip.Continued improvement! Excellent!
The Saudi's are rather impatient and change them there and then.You are obviously NOT Canadian, even with the duct tape reference. Up here, we put the bad wheel in the trunk and everyone piles into the seat in the diagonally opposite corner of the car. Duh!
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How did you reinjure your back? Well, you know those chess clocks....I will probably even go the chess club tonight!
Well - I don’t want to see your demise - but I think you should plan that your ashes get added to the Scotia Bank Arena Zamboni water to bless the Leafs into perpetuityJun.10 Injector I2/Personna(16) ..... RV Shavemac ........ Captains Choice Venture ...... Captains Choice Venture balm
A noon-ish shave today as most of my morning was spent working on investment spreadsheets, as I look at doing some minor adjustments and revamps to factor in where we are in life from a ticking-clock mortality aspect. This will include making things easier for my wife to manage if I happen to get hit by a bus, as well as make the estate more tax friendly in the event of a (hopefully long delayed) probate exercise.
Yeah, it sounds like doom and gloom to plan for one's eventual demise, but as my "more life experienced" friend @August West will attest to, it is not something one should willfully ignore nor should it be an disheartening event.
Shave wise, all was good.
Chess club was last night and, after multiple mistakes by both of us, the game ended up being a draw (i.e. a tie for all you non-geeks).
You always go out when the wife returns from work or does she go with you?50 minute neighbourhood walk after my wife finished work. *Phew* I'm pooped!