May.20 ASD2/Crystal(5) ................. Graydog horse ....... Captains Choice Venture ...... Captains Choice Venture balm
Okay, I FINALLY managed to get those 8x8's apart. Took a few hours using a crowbar, cold chisel (to use as a wedge), lots of fulcrum-y 2x4s for the crowbar, hammer and a hacksaw (for the nails once the 8x8s separated)... oh, and lots of sweat and exertion.
Nothing says a job well done like a stiff back, legs, arms and a super slick back of the neck. I ain't not no young no more.
Next up .... demolish the simpler box gardens and then re-do the whole side yard.
But before that, lunch (ham sammich) and a well deserved (and needed!) shower and shave. Pooped as I am, I popped the blade back into the ASD2. Some tugging in the blade's 5th (and final) use and ended up with two small strawberries.