The Shaving Cadre

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Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

Weather will be well above freezing all this week, so maybe, just maybe, the ground will thaw out enough for me to put down about 10-20 bags of manure on it. If the ground is still frozen, than all those goodies in the cow and sheep poop will just run off rather than be absorbed.
Know you guys have wild fertilizer and pesticide laws up north, but my fertilizer of choice is also a biosolid, produced by the waste department of Milwaukee.

Smells like success!!
Mar.16: Injector I2 w/Personna(13) ... Chubby-2 synth ..... Captain's Choice Bay rum ....... Nivea Protect & Care balm

March is just seeming to fly by for me; I must be getting old(er).

Another wonderful lather and shave with Captain's Choice Bay Rhum this morning. This performs and smalls waaaay better than it tastes. 😬
Mar.17: Injector I2 w/Personna(14) ... Chubby-2 synth ..... Captain's Choice Bay rum ....... Nivea Protect & Care balm

After two weeks of more than serviceable shaves from the Personna blade, it's time to swap it out. Granted, I have used them for ~3 weeks in the past, but a fortnight seems to be a nice consistent place for them.

Weather is looks nice today with temperatures expected to be in the 'teens (60s F), so it should be a great day.
Mar.19: ASD2 w/KAI(2) ..................... Chubby-2 synth ..... Captain's Choice Bay rum ....... Nivea Protect & Care balm

I went down into the basement yesterday to see if there was a DE to tickle my fancy. Brought up the 37c slant as well as a tech and some OLDs, but when I held them and compared side-by-side with the feel and heft of the ASD2, they all went back into the basement.

Some good steady light rain all through the morning and the backyard ice/snow is almost melted. Woohoo!
I don’t know why your post made me think of Les Misérables - “A little fall of rain, can hardly hurt me now.” I think @NurseDave will promise to sing the song as part of his next video. Only the French can make flowers growing sad.

**Supermodel Estate Sale update**
Unlisted sale to a friend for almost $200 for a cased Executive.

That enables me to send another $500 payment to Ed's wife, bringing our total remitted to $2,500. :love:
Another $125 is pending for a 'crat and #58 (both cased) in a few weeks to a local (multi-repeat buyer) once he returns from vacation.

I am hoping to get back into the swing of things and get up a listing with some razors, OS mugs, and inks soon.
Mar.20: ASD2 w/KAI(3) ..................... Sagrada synth ..... Captain's Choice Bay rum .......... Nivea Protect & Care balm

Spring is in the air! Well, actually, it is on the calendar, but you get my meaning. The rain was light but on-again off-again through most of yesterday, so the snow is almost gone from our yard. In another few days, I can go buy some manure. Meanwhile, showers should end this morning, so we will be looking at a mid-afternoon walk.

Oh, and the shave was pretty good as well.
Chesswise, there's still a lot going on (game count) but not much happening (plodding along slowly). Unless a tournament of special interest comes up this year, I will basically only be adding games by playing in 2-game matches between Canada and other countries.

Mar.21: ASD2 w/KAI(4) ..................... Sagrada synth ..... Captain's Choice Bay rum .......... Nivea Protect & Care balm

Spring arrives and today brings change to my province as masking is no longer required; we will still be wearing them for a while. I understand the need for a return to normalcy but I think I will still get the heebie-jeebies for a while when out in public with unmasked folks in very close proximity.

On the shaving front, I might try another DE or two that I found in the basement. Nothing fancy, just a Slim and a Rockwell R1.