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Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

While my wife was slumbering away getting her beauty sleep , I set up the 2022 version of the Canadian Correspondence Chess Championship....
Not quite as string as the KE77 finals (see above), but very solid for Canada. SIM Hynes has come out of semi-retirement from playing in national events, which is good for Canadian chess. He pulled back his playing time just about when I was getting back into it, so we've never crossed swords before.


Now that my wife is up and has her coffee and oatmeal ready, it's time for me to suit up and head outside with my might shovel.
After 1.5 hours, I cleared the sidewalk (~185'), the steps, around the garage doors, and a path out to the road. Plus the lady across the street's steps until she came out and said her son-in-law is on his way with his snow blower. Speaking of snow blowers, my neighbour fired his up and is now taking acre of everything that's left for both of us.

Coffee time for me. :coffee: Once I warm up, I'll grab a shower and shave. Snow should stop circa 4pm; I hope it's just an inch or two left to come down. Twas over my knees in the shallow places this morning. *ugh*

*Update* Just reading the news and it looks like the forecast has been upped to 60cm/2 feet. A few highways have been officially closed down this morning. Even the snow plows are getting stuck.

We need this guy on the road!
@CVargo we need some TSC Chess Jerseys made up with Sharpe on the back! I'm thinking something tough looking like a hockey jersey, but with a long padded tail because there's a lot of sitting.
Jan.17: ASD2 w/KAI(5) .................... APShave synbad ..... Captain's Choice Bay Rum ....... Nivea Protect & Care balm

After fun shoveling snow this morning (and more to do later on!), I must have been tired as I over-hydrated my lather to the point that it was thin and airy. Sort of like modern Williams, except it did not dissipate. (hee hee) In any event, it was still slick enough to provide for a pretty gosh-darn golly-gee good shave.
Hang in there, Sam. The snow wegot was wiped away when it turned into heavy rain. I’ve been on the wrong side of the front before, and it’s no fun. Last weekend when driving back from taking my daughter back to college in MTL, I got stuck for a day in Saratoga due to an ice storm. More than a tenth of an inch on the car. It was like peeling an M&M.
Jan.18: ASD2 w/KAI(1) .................... APShave synbad ..... Captain's Choice Bay Rum ....... Nivea Protect & Care balm

There ya go! Back to face lathering and a much more normal type of lather than the over-saturated one I made yesterday. Slick, smooth and smelling good! A great way to start the day. As a bonus, no extra snow fell, so my shoveling work today should just be cleaning up minor amounts of it that blew around.
so we've never crossed swords before.

@CVargo we need some TSC Chess Jerseys made up with Sharpe on the back! I'm thinking something tough looking like a hockey jersey, but with a long padded tail because there's a lot of sitting.
That shirt is also going to need a crossing "swords" logo somewhere..... because apparently that's a thing chess players do...?
Jan.19: ASD2 w/KAI(2) .................... APShave synbad ..... Captain's Choice Bay Rum ....... Nivea Protect & Care balm

Face lathered again this morning (my normal approach) with the Captain Bay Rum and once again, a superb shave. Whatever Scott is putting into his soaps makes for a great post-shave feel. Plus the bay rum smells great in winter.

Shoveling this morning was mainly maintenance work. About 1cm (just under 1/2") fell last night, so that was easy to clean up. We do have temps just above freezing right now and tonight and tomorrow we will drop back into -16C/3F range to make things turn into concrete after today's light mini-thaw. Therefore, it was time to cut another 3 feet of snow back from the car-pathway I had carved out. This will make it MUCH easier to get out on the road and turn back in, but *ugh*, a lot of it is the solid heavy stuff that the plow threw up. I'm plied about 4 feet high, so chopping out (and having to toss) this section (4'x3'x12') now has my back all achy and I'm walking like an old man.

However, this too shall pass, and as @MilkCrate says.... Life is good!
Jan.20: ASD2 w/KAI(3) .................... APShave synbad ..... Captain's Choice Bay Rum ....... Nivea Protect & Care balm

My back stiffened up pretty good yesterday after this week's fun exertions shoveling, and it's still a little out of whack this morning. Oh, the joys of snow cleaning as you get older.

Today's shave was VERY nice. I didn't even wet the synth, but rather dribbled a little water on the soap, loaded the brush, and then tip-dip'd as needed when face lathering. I think the blade might be done though.