Yesterday was my first day on the job as an accountant for a local company. I expected it to be a day of orientation, watching videos, and signing off of lots of forms like WHMIS and other things. After a tour of the facility and a walk-around introduction to almost everyone in corporate, I now know the important things:
- where the bathrooms are (as you get older, this becomes more and more important!

- where the coffee machine is (which leads to the importance of the above!)
- where the emergency muster point is (also fairly important)
I also learned that if you can log 50 entries for working out 30mins in their on-site gym, you get a day off! Nice incentive that I have never seen anywhere else. I asked if I work out on MON-TUE-WED all day, do I get FRI off? The HR lady gave me a funny look over the top of her glasses before laughing and saying that I am the first to ask that question but it was a nice try. BTW the official answer was you can only log 30mins a day, but you are welcome to work out longer.
As for my workday, by 10am I was being instructed in how to validate and enter billing for fuel for their truckers (they do warehousing/shipping and are a combo of employees and owner/operator vehicles) and then I spent the day reconciling things and data entry. Pretty interesting trying to figure out some the the typos that the truckers make, but I'm getting there. More of the same today (they were backlogged a few weeks) and I was told I will be given something entirely different today as well so that I do not get bored (which caused me to actually laugh when the director mentioned it).
Anyways, off I go! Strangely enough, my wife is much faster in the morning now so that she doesn't have to take the bus to work. Funny how time constraints motivate her; didn't happen when I was a student!
Happy pre-July.4th!!!! ....... or as we say in Canada, "Happy two days after Canada Day!"