Oct.25: ASD2 w/Rapira Platinum(1) ... Colonel X2L ........... Mama Bears Bay Rhum............. Captain's Choice Lime balm
Plopped my 2nd Rapira Platinum blade into the ASD2 this morning. It is MUCH better on shave-1 than on shave-7 .... DUH!

I think I will take the advice of a friend and chuck a blade when it's dead rather than try to push it to a full week. Thanks, Bruce, for throwing my whole shaving routine out of kilter.
Today I used a Simpsons Colonel X2L for the first time. When Ed/Somnos and I did some trading back in August, this was a brush he was trying to push on me along with a Special
IN ADDITION to the Paladin Sumo as his side of the deal. I took only the Paladin and for the next few weeks, we both kept saying that we gave too little and felt a little bad that the other person got the short end of the stick. Yeah, neither of us are great price hagglers.
I can see why he thought I would like it. Loads quickly, great for face lathering, and rinses out very easily. Almost the polar opposite of the Paladin knot, which is very dense and needs a lot of product .. but is still great on the face!
Today's workout was:
- 30 mins elliptical