The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

Oct.15: Injector I2 w/Personna(12) .. Chubby 2, synth ..... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm

I received some heart breaking news yesterday. My good friend Ed, whom some of you will know as Somnos, passed away last Friday. I do not know the cause at this time; all that matter is that he has left us and my heart goes out to his wife, aka his "lovely bride" as he always called her whenever we spoke.

Ed was a good man, always full of life and laughter, and never without a smile on his face. I first met him back in 2019 when he won a @Graydog PIF I ran, and we have gotten together many times since then, usually over coffee and natas (Portuguese custard tarts) while we discussed shaving and life. His plan was to retire to Portugal with his lovely bride and from there, explore Europe while living life to its fullest.

I shall miss him dearly and consider myself lucky to have gotten to know this incredible man. Rest easy, my friend. Somnos Sleeps.

Today's workout was:
- 30 mins elliptical
I have been really wrapped up in my own life as of late and I am really sad that I missed this announcement. I didn't know Ed all that well, just from our conversations here and a couple Zoom calls. But he was a very genuine and likable man. My heart is heavy learning of his passing and I will say a prayer for him and his family today.
Yesterday was more than a little tough, but the camaraderie here helps quite a bit. Thank you, everyone.

Oct.21: ASD2 w/Rapira Platinum(4) ... Paladin Sumo ......... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm

Today's shave was a little rough. It seems that in the ASD2, any Rapira I have tried struggles after 3 shaves. This is more than a little strange as I remember using them for a week of easy shaves in my other DEs (when I used DEs before). In any event, it is what it is.

Finished my 8oz tub of Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime (Good stuff!!) yesterday after just of 6 months. Tomorrow I will dive into a partial tub of Mama Bears Bay Rhum.

Back in July 2016, I guess I was a little hungrier than normal....
JUL2016 EatingMamaBears BayRhum.jpg

Today's workout was:
- 30 mins elliptical
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Oct.22: ASD2 w/Rapira Platinum(5) ... Paladin Sumo ......... Mama Bears Bay Rhum............. Captain's Choice Lime balm

This morning's shave was a little on the rough side, with the styptic pencil being called into duty for a strawberry on the neck. I really should swap out the blade, but it's just 2 shaves away from making it for the week. The Mama Bears soap smells AWESOME and performs as well as I remember. Not uber creamy (load more in the coming days) but super slick!

This morning started off with only enough milk for one coffee, as my wife made mashed potatoes last night and didn't let me know we were almost out. Therefore, off to the store for more while she enjoyed her morning milky coffee. The fun didn't end there as while opening the garage door (or "trying to open" is more accurate) the door latch cable broke. Went in via the other door and then post-milk run, off to the hardware store for some new cable and crimps to fix it up. Given all of that, my strawberry shouldn't really have been that much of a surprise.

On Wednesday, we went for a 1 hr post-work walk with some good friends and look to make this a weekly event until the snows come. Yesterday, we also managed a post-work 1 hr walk down by the lake.

Today's workout was:
- 30 mins elliptical
Sam ain’t got time for all these shenanigans. I’m sure he has a few chess moves due in a week or two!
with a start to the day like that, did you consider going back to bad for a quick 30 min snooze and trying again?
Yesterday was more than a little tough, but the camaraderie here helps quite a bit. Thank you, everyone.

Oct.21: ASD2 w/Rapira Platinum(4) ... Paladin Sumo ......... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm

Today's shave was a little rough. It seems that in the ASD2, any Rapira I have tried struggles after 3 shaves. This is more than a little strange as I remember using them for a week of easy shaves in my other DEs (when I used DEs before). In any event, it is what it is.

Finished my 8oz tub of Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime (Good stuff!!) yesterday after just of 6 months. Tomorrow I will dive into a partial tub of Mama Bears Bay Rhum.
View attachment 64489

Back in July 2016, I guess I was a little hungrier than normal....
View attachment 64490

Today's workout was:
- 30 mins elliptical
Sam...that's not going to come out like you think it will.
Oct.23: ASD2 w/Rapira Platinum(6) ... Paladin Sumo ......... Mama Bears Bay Rhum............. Captain's Choice Lime balm

Loaded up the Paladin quite a bit more and, yes indeed, it helped with the lather. I guess the old "use more product" saying has some truth to it.

Today's workout was:
- 30 mins elliptical
Oct.24: ASD2 w/Rapira Platinum(7) ... Paladin Sumo ......... Mama Bears Bay Rhum............. Captain's Choice Lime balm

Today's shave was a good news / bad news shave:
Good News: The Rapira Platinum blade has served its week of duty and can be discarded
Bad News: I have another!

Today's workout was:
- 1 hr 40 mins neighbourhood walk (coffee break for wife @55 mins)