The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

Sep.17: ASD2 w/Rapira Swedish(2) ... Paladin Sumo ......... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm

We went a little slower with today's walk to see how my wife's shin holds up. No issues reported, so all seems well enough.

Happy Friday! ... but then again, every day is like Friday for me! .... Well, except for Wednesdays as that's garbage day. 😜

Today's workout was:
- 1 hr 5 min lakeside walk
I have just started play in a memorial tournament for the 6th World Correspondence Champion (1971... thanks for the typo catch, @NurseDave! ), GM Horst Rittner, who passed away in June, just shy of his 91st birthday.

To achieve a SIM norm (need two to earn the Senior International Master) title), I will need to go +3. This could be tough as we only play 10 games and are all have a very similar rating. On the plus side, if I get lucky, a GM norm only needs a single extra win after that. Hey, ya gotsta have dreemz.

Wish me luck!
View attachment 60415
Kick butt!!!
I have just started play in a memorial tournament for the 6th World Correspondence Champion (1971... thanks for the typo catch, @NurseDave! ), GM Horst Rittner, who passed away in June, just shy of his 91st birthday.

To achieve a SIM norm (need two to earn the Senior International Master) title), I will need to go +3. This could be tough as we only play 10 games and are all have a very similar rating. On the plus side, if I get lucky, a GM norm only needs a single extra win after that. Hey, ya gotsta have dreemz.

Wish me luck!
View attachment 60415
You should wear a TSC sponsored robe during play. Like the meat packing one in Rocky.
Sep.18: ASD2 w/Rapira Swedish(3) ... Paladin Sumo ......... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm

Late shave today as we went for a walk this morning and then followed that up with grocery shopping and mowing the lawn with a reel mower. This blade is better than the previous one, but I somehow ended up with two weepers under my bottom lip.

As for our walk, we went to a conservation park and bumped into a Karen and her boyfriend/spouse with their dog off leash on a trail. I called out to my wife "off leash dog" a few ties loud enough for them to hear as well, but they didn't call the dog back and the cute fluffy little thing (but still a dog) was trotting towards us, so I used my walking stick (I carry it in case we encounter coyotes... for real) to make a block to one side so it would not pass me and get close to my wife. The dog came up to the stick and stopped, and the boyfriend leashed the dog while Karen exclaimed that I was hitting her dog with the stick. "I blocked it, not hit it. The park has an off-leash area; it needs to be on a leash here. " was my reply and she exclaimed that my walking stick was a weapon and gave me a funny look when I said "Coyotes." Boyfriend (about twice my size) said nothing at all through the whole encounter.

And that was today's excitement.

Today's workout was:
- 1 hr 10 min trail walk
Sep.19: ASD2 w/Rapira Swedish(4) ... Paladin Sumo ......... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm

Last shave with the Rapira Swedish blades .... *whew* :cautious:. A small weeper by the corner of my mouth on pass-1, but the pass-2 lather fixed it up, so no issues. There was no way this blade was going to make it through to 7. Tomorrow, I will either return to my Injector for 2 weeks or plop a Feather blade into the ASD2. Not sure yet.

Today's workout was:
- 50 min trail walk
Sep.20: Wife's Venus cart (probably 2 months old)...Paladin Sumo...Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime...Captain's Choice Lime balm

Went sideways today. 🙄

Loads of nicks and all kinds of other bad stuff.

Nah, who am I kidding......

Sep.20: ASD2 w/Feather(1) .............. Paladin Sumo ......... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm

I must admit that I have always disliked Feather blades since I first tried them about 10 years ago and have revisited them several times since then. Harsh harsh harsh the the I could say about them

However, I had never used them in the ASD2 but honestly, I was expecting more of the same. What a surprise when pass-1 was as easy and smooth as with a Nacet blade. I figured to get chewed up on the S-N pass-2, but that was just as nice. Just a small raspberry at one of those funky swirls near the base of my neck. I'll take that as a BIG win.

Now it's just a matter of blade longevity.

Today's workout was:
- 1 hr lakeside walk