The Shaving Cadre

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There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

Ok, I couldn't hold off. I brewed up a mug of the coffee that my Rudolph Buddy sent and added a small portion of my BIL's Tiramisu. I plan to be bouncing off the walls for the next couple of hours.


A couple of Christmas highlights this year included my other BIL's famous smoked prime rib for dinner and, most wonderful of all, finding out that I'm going to be a great uncle. My nephews wife is pregnant after almost a year of trying, and is due about a month after my little sisters bundle of joy should be entering the world. We're all excited to welcome to new additions to the family.
4-12-22 SOTD

Brush: Rubberset 400 knockoff w/APShave Gelousy fan
Razor: Max Sprecher 8/8 near wedge
Soap: THB Tangerine Creeper
Aftershave: THB Tangerine Creeper
Frag: Varvatos Artisan Pure EDT

Ok, it has been months since I posted in here. It's likely that this journal will only be used for important events and anniversary's for a while, of which today is an important one. This is my 8 year Soberversary, which is an important day for me to reflect on where I've been and how far I've come. It's also a great day to pull out some rarely used items, so Tangerine Creeper and the Sprecher custom straight came out to play for this morning's shave. I chose the Gelousy knot, which is hands down the best badger I have ever had the pleasure of using. It is lightly set into this handle, and I really need to get around to making a special handle for it when I have time.

Tangerine Creeper is best used in the hotter weather, which has not yet reached Michigan, but it did a fantastic job of waking me up at 4:00am. The Sprecher skated nicely across my face, delivering an excellent three pass BBS, and a hefty splash of the aftershave added some extra oomph to the cooling effect, which generally lasts for 30-40 minutes after the shave for me. I have a few citrus based frags that would work well with this set up, but had to go with Artisan Pure this morning. It also works best in warmer weather, but smells amazing any time. Imagine a bunch of citrus fruits tossed into a bowl and smashed up, peel and all, and that is about the best way for me to describe this frag. All in all, it was a fantastic way to start the day.


Thanks for reading and have a great day!
4-12-22 SOTD

Brush: Rubberset 400 knockoff w/APShave Gelousy fan
Razor: Max Sprecher 8/8 near wedge
Soap: THB Tangerine Creeper
Aftershave: THB Tangerine Creeper
Frag: Varvatos Artisan Pure EDT

Ok, it has been months since I posted in here. It's likely that this journal will only be used for important events and anniversary's for a while, of which today is an important one. This is my 8 year Soberversary, which is an important day for me to reflect on where I've been and how far I've come. It's also a great day to pull out some rarely used items, so Tangerine Creeper and the Sprecher custom straight came out to play for this morning's shave. I chose the Gelousy knot, which is hands down the best badger I have ever had the pleasure of using. It is lightly set into this handle, and I really need to get around to making a special handle for it when I have time.

Tangerine Creeper is best used in the hotter weather, which has not yet reached Michigan, but it did a fantastic job of waking me up at 4:00am. The Sprecher skated nicely across my face, delivering an excellent three pass BBS, and a hefty splash of the aftershave added some extra oomph to the cooling effect, which generally lasts for 30-40 minutes after the shave for me. I have a few citrus based frags that would work well with this set up, but had to go with Artisan Pure this morning. It also works best in warmer weather, but smells amazing any time. Imagine a bunch of citrus fruits tossed into a bowl and smashed up, peel and all, and that is about the best way for me to describe this frag. All in all, it was a fantastic way to start the day.


Thanks for reading and have a great day!
Welcome back Eric and Happy Soberversary! I quit drinking in 2007 … I had to.

Great setup today and I love that Max Sprecher! One day I hope to own one.
4-12-22 ....important events and anniversary's for a while, of which today is an important one. This is my 8 year Soberversary, which is an important day for me to reflect on where I've been and how far I've come....
Catching up, but super congrats! Still taking it one day at a time, my brother!
Brush: Rubberset 400 knockoff w/APShave Gelousy fan
Razor: David Issard Samson Razor
Soap: Barrister & Mann Le Grande Chypr
Aftershave: Barrister & Mann Le Grand Chypre
EDP: Azzaro Pour Homme Intense

Gotta pop my head in and post here every now and then. I've been using mostly DE's and replaceable blade straights for a while, so it was nice to get back to a traditional straight. Fantastic shave today with some excellent software. Le Grand Chypre is one of my favorite scents from B&M, and the Omnibus base is just incredible. Finished it off with a few shots of Azzaro PH Intense. Man what a great frag, one that I believe has been discontinued. It can still be found but costs way more than it did previously. Barely any of the original PH can be discerned, though I catch a little of it. In contrast Intense is a sweet and spicy scent with a somewhat boozy opening. It doesn't match Le Grand Chypre, but it does complement it nicely.

This was actually yesterday's shave.

Brush: Trotter Handcrafts w/APShave Synbad knot
Razor: Otto Busch Weltmeister
Soap: Hendrix Classics & Co Gunslinger
Aftershave: Hendrix Classics & Co Gunslinger
EDP: Mancera Red Tobacco

First time with the new soap, and I definitely enjoyed the shave. Easy to lather, good slickness, and overall good performer. I could see getting more of their soaps if the scents are appealing. This one was a dupe of Mancera's Red Tobacco, and they got the scent very close. Red Tobacco is just a fantastic frag, and it falls well into the realm of Beast Mode. It will introduce you to a room before you enter and make sure you are remembered after you leave, as well as lasting all day and then some. I can still smell it faintly on my skin after I take a shower, which I am entirely ok with.

Back when I was honing semi-regularly I started a honing journal on the pc, and the Weltmeister was finished on an Ancient Ocean Jasper. I can't remember if I've shaved with it since then, but the edge was good. It had a bit of a toothy feel to it, but it gave a very nice shave regardless.

This was actually yesterday's shave.

Brush: Trotter Handcrafts w/APShave Synbad knot
Razor: Otto Busch Weltmeister
Soap: Hendrix Classics & Co Gunslinger
Aftershave: Hendrix Classics & Co Gunslinger
EDP: Mancera Red Tobacco

First time with the new soap, and I definitely enjoyed the shave. Easy to lather, good slickness, and overall good performer. I could see getting more of their soaps if the scents are appealing. This one was a dupe of Mancera's Red Tobacco, and they got the scent very close. Red Tobacco is just a fantastic frag, and it falls well into the realm of Beast Mode. It will introduce you to a room before you enter and make sure you are remembered after you leave, as well as lasting all day and then some. I can still smell it faintly on my skin after I take a shower, which I am entirely ok with.

Back when I was honing semi-regularly I started a honing journal on the pc, and the Weltmeister was finished on an Ancient Ocean Jasper. I can't remember if I've shaved with it since then, but the edge was good. It had a bit of a toothy feel to it, but it gave a very nice shave regardless.

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The Mancera Red Tobacco sounds wonderful! Ordered myself a 5ml sample of it.
My friend! I have missed you! And your shave smells so good I can smell you from my home!
Don! I hope things are going well! How is Danger Baby? Ready to join the WNBA yet?

The Mancera Red Tobacco sounds wonderful! Ordered myself a 5ml sample of it.

I absolutely love it, though it takes a few minutes to calm down after the initial spray.

I also get the feeling that it is a love it it hate it frag which could cause everyone around you to feel like they’re being smothered in pipe tobacco if not used sparingly.
Brush: Rubberset 400 knockoff w/APShave Gelousy fan
Razor: G.E. Jones Shake Sharp
Blade: Wizamet
Soap: WSP Formula T Black Amber Vanille
Aftershave: WSP Black Amber Vanille
EDT: L'Instant De Guerlain

I've barely looked at most of my DE's and SE's since I moved, and decided it was time to go through them all for an evaluation. I had forgotten I had this amazing razor until I found it tucked into its case. It takes whole DE blades but you only use one edge, and it is a magnificent shaver. The cooler weather we're into now is a nice excuse to break out some of my favorite smelling shave soaps, and Black Amber Vanille is up there. Followed up with a few shots of LIDG and I was firmly in my happy place.

Tis the season for tons of side work to pop up, so I haven't been able to put in any time on the Gold Dollar mod, but the vision for it it firmly implanted in my mind, and I really hope it comes out at least close to how I'm imagining it.

A couple of weeks ago, out of the blue, my team leader came up to me and said "I talked to HR and told them you should be making more money, so you'll have to do a set up next week with me observing and evaluating". Fortunately it was on a group of machines that I was already familiar with, so it went off without too much trouble. We'll see what happens next, but either way I consider the fact that he brought it up a compliment.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!