The Shaving Cadre

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There and Back Again, A Wet-Shaver's Tale

Eric! Great shaves and great job on the restorations. I've been passively working on a couple myself. One of those bastards cut me, but that's because reasons. 🤣
Thanks Ben! I look forward to seeing how they turn out. Sorry to hear about the cut. Those stupid reasons will get you every time.
Looks like this might come off...Oh Yeah Baby! Wide Mouth Eucris!

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Razor: Feather SS
Blade: Feather Pro
Brush: Wolf Whiskers Badger
Soap: The Holy Black Embrace
Aftershave: WSP Black Amber Vanille
EDT: L’Instant D’Guerlian

This soap came in here other day. I had gotten an email about some limited edition scents from THB and took a look, only to find that the aftershaves were sold out, and a few of the soap scents as well. The description of Embrace looked promising so the trigger was pulled.

I grabbed the Feather and loaded up the brush. This stuff really smells good. It’s designed to be a blend of notes that make you happy and it delivers pretty well. I get vanilla and coconut immediately with cocoa butter and spices close behind. There is more in there, but those stood out the most and I really enjoyed it. I’ve always found their soaps to be very good and this one was no different. Two passes and some clean up with the SS left me with a marvelous BBS.

The aftershave and LIDG paired well with the soap, and I left the shave den feeling great.

There should be a Mail Call coming with a couple acquisitions that I’m really excited about. Pics when they get here.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!
Mail Call today.

A 4/8 Shumate Tungsten. Needs a little cleaning up, but it should look great when it's done.

I was able to pick up a couple of razors from @cmh737. The first one is a Belbo, which I may rename Bilbo due to it's stubby nature.


I'm crazy excited about the second one. I first saw Chris post this Robert Williams on an SOTD, must have been around three years ago, and as soon as he told me he was selling it there was no hesitation. Many thanks for the opportunity to purchase these two beauties, Chris!


The Belbo is on deck for tomorrow's shave. I'll try to post some comparison pics so you can see how small it is. It's almost the same size as Facethulhu, though it's a heavier grind.

Thanks for reading and have a great evening!
Razor: Belbo
Brush: Rudy Vey Egg w/Shavemac badger
Soap: CBL Tonsorial SIR
Aftershave: Proraso Green
EDP: Bulgari Black Orient

I ran the Belbo through a nagura progression on the Jnat the other day, twice with the Botan and once each with the other three. Once it was stropped thoroughly on the Bison it was feeling pretty sharp and passing the HHT fairly well, so I put it on deck for today's shave. I've had two pucks of CBL Tonsorial test batch, and have used them a few times with excellent results, so it was pulled as well. Actually took the time to pack it into a 6oz PET jar, which took quite a while and was really rough on the thumbs.

I did something today that I haven't done in a long time. I grabbed the Turkish copper bowl and bowl lathered. This did not turn out to be the best move and I paid for it during the first pass. It seems that it has been so long since I used a bowl that I have lost my touch, and the lather was not as slick as it could have been. I knew it needed more water as soon as I started the first pass, but went through it before adding more water anyway. This resulted in a bit of irritation, but was not as bad as it could have been. Two passes and some clean up left me with the usual DFS+, and there was some sting with the requisite glug of aftershave. The Belbo is a comfortable little razor to hold and shave with, especially since I'm just doing my neck and upper cheeks, but I've determined that I can't properly test an edge on that small an amount of real estate, so the beard will be gone after years end.

I went with the Green because the scent disappears in a few minutes, and I didn't want anything getting in the way of today's frag. Black Orient, a flanker of Man in Black, was one of the first full bottles I purchased at the beginning of my frag journey and I still love this juice! Smooth and spicy, decent projection and very good longevity, it still checks all the boxes for me. If I could change anything it would be to make the atomizer a bit better. You need to press it pretty hard in order for it to actually spray. That is a minor annoyance at best, and I'll definitely get another bottle when this one eventually runs out.

Busy day at work today. I spent most of Monday in court and the paperwork piles up when I'm not actually in the office to do it. Yesterday was my day off, so it continued to accumulate and there was a nice mountain of it when I came on this afternoon. On top of that we're having some plumbing issues at the center. We have hot water in some parts of the house, but barely warm(and in some cases downright cold) in others. The plumbing here is confusing enough, but since we use a wood burner for all of our heat and hot water that just adds another unfamiliar element, so we're struggling to get it figured out.

Thanks for reading and have a great night!
Irritation, not good. DFS+, good stuff. Hope the hot water issue gets figured out.
Thanks Dave! I hope so too. Going into the boiler room in the basement at the center is like walking into a steampunk themed Tardis owned by Freddy Krueger. A little scary and a lot confusing. I might take a pic and post it.
Just glad you’re getting back to something resembling a life! (y)
Whoa, let’s not get crazy here. I’ll leave having a life to the people that would know what to do with one.
I knew you use wood for heat, but I don't think I remember hot water. So you need to keep a fire going 24/7 even in the summer then?
Don't let the paperwork overwhelm you! It will be there tomorrow too. Do what you can and move on to tomorrow! Hope you can get the hot water figured out!