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The TSC Movie Thread

Saw 1917 with my son today. Engrossing film from start to finish. Still thinking about it 5+ hours later. It is multilayered and subtle, and have been mulling it over. Definitely one I want to see again. 👍
Saw 1917 with my son today. Engrossing film from start to finish. Still thinking about it 5+ hours later. It is multilayered and subtle, and have been mulling it over. Definitely one I want to see again. 👍
Saw a short movie about the making of 1917 and how many of the long shots were filmed continuously and how much rehearsal it took and choreography of the camera men. Even just from that it was pretty interesting.
Saw a short movie about the making of 1917 and how many of the long shots were filmed continuously and how much rehearsal it took and choreography of the camera men. Even just from that it was pretty interesting.
It is extremely effective on many levels. The cinematography was outstanding - we saw it on XD, and it is thought provoking underneath. The movie wastes no time in grabbing your attention and taking you along for the ride. Powerful story.
Watched "Joker" myself. The wife had no interest in watching it. Watching it I kept thinking that it very much had a "Taxi Driver" kind of feel. First half of the film had a very slow and long build up of back story with a lot of tension. Unspoken acting was key here and the score was really the star. The second half of the film Joaquin Phoenix really shows why he is one of the best actors for the ages, making the metamorphosis complete of a person with some issues that you really felt sympathetic for in a very unusual a full blown sociopath. "Joker" is the first movie I think that brings the comic books truly to real life. I believe that this could be a real life event! Especially as it is set in the Early 80s (or at least I think it is set in the early 80s) when the US was plunged into a recession that cut a lot of aid to social services and things were just really hard for a lot of people without means.

I am not going to say this was the most enjoyable movie I have ever watched. But I can really appreciate it. There are certain movies that I think are really good, but because they hit a certain note, or they are just really depressing, I probably won't watch them again...even though I find them works of art. "Joker" is one of these. I really well put together movie with tremendous acting, and well designed story line. And I absolutely love the aspect that the Joker is a hero character for the trampled on, poor, and undeserving. A character designed by society and social politics.

"Joker" is definitely a great movie and one to be watched.
I’ve been knocked out by the crud all weekend. you may know the kind - it makes your scalp ache? Anyway I watched two totally random movies: The Last Black Man in San Francisco and Three Days of the Condor.

Last Black Man was interesting from both a cinematic and plot perspective. Young man goes to the house his grandfather built in the 1940s to paint and care for it even though he hasn’t lived there for years and an exasperated older white couple does live there. Circumstances change and the young man and his friend go to live in the house. The filmmaker has definitely seen a Jim Jaramusch film or two. it was an interesting watch, but it’s slow and moody.

Three Days of the Condor is an early ‘70s spy thriller with Robert Redford on the run. Interesting as a period piece - the most advanced tech was telephone tracing equipment and a dot-matrix printer. But the movie didn’t really age too well. after all one of the major plot lines involves Redford abducting Faye Dunaway at gunpoint and then less than 24 hours later they’re lovers.Plot twists are reasonably predictable. So while it was an okay way to spend the evening its not one I’d say you have to see.
I watched John Wick 3 the other night. And then watched it again with the wife a day or two later. Lots of gratuitous killing for the sake of killing. It's sort of comical and a bit of overkill, pardon the pun. And the ending got me. I won't say another word as I don't want to give anything away.
Got my older teenagers to watch My Cousin Vinny the other day. They loved it! I always get a kick out of them loving movies my wife and I enjoyed decades ago. It is such a funny movie.
With fast paced action and crazy CGI with the newer movies, there are only a handful of “old” movies my kids really love.
Got my older teenagers to watch My Cousin Vinny the other day. They loved it! I always get a kick out of them loving movies my wife and I enjoyed decades ago. It is such a funny movie.
With fast paced action and crazy CGI with the newer movies, there are only a handful of “old” movies my kids really love.
I mean...who doesn't love Marisa Tomei! She is just adorable!

Doctor Sleep..... such a good movie. It's sort of a sequel to The Shining. It's different form the Shining for sure, but has enough tie in as well. We both loved it.
Doctor Sleep..... such a good movie. It's sort of a sequel to The Shining. It's different form the Shining for sure, but has enough tie in as well. We both loved it.
Definitely on my watch list.
Doctor Sleep..... such a good movie. It's sort of a sequel to The Shining. It's different form the Shining for sure, but has enough tie in as well. We both loved it.
I wanted to see this...but didn't get around to it.
The missus and I sat down and watched Two Popes on Netflix last night. It was pretty good; I wonder how much of the story is speculative?