The Shaving Cadre

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The TSC Coffee Shop

Today's experiment was a more realistic version of yesterday's. I brewed a 400ml cup of coffee with the Aeropress. Did the original brew with 300ml of water like usual, but with grounds for 400ml. Then tared the final cup and added in 100ml more. Not too much of a burden and a good solution for a good-sized single cup. The future will have to include comparisons of pour-overs vs Aeropress. I think practically one could live with a good drip machine and the Aeropress. But I need something to justify having that sexy pour-over kettle.
Great googly moogly there's a lot of nuances and minute details to this coffee stuff. This morning was trying out the V60, which I think needs to be mastered if you're going to consider yourself fully immersed in the home coffee brewing hobby. Needless to say, the littlest bit of research will show there are countless ways to brew with this simple thing. Some are almost polar opposites of each other. I chose to loosely follow James Hoffman's technique. And can I just say, let's call them techniques instead of "recipes"? These guys keep calling differences in techniques or procedures, recipes. All your friggin' "recipes" are the same. Coffee and water. There's your flippin' recipe.

I went up to a 1:16 ratio and used 25g beans and 400g water. I turned the Ode down to 2 as this technique uses a finer grind. Bloomed with as much agitation I could get and then two pours with some swirling and a light spoon stir at the end of the 2nd pour. I didn't use a timer and should have to get the data point, but I think the brew went a lot faster than Mr. Hoffman intends. The only way I can think to slow this down is to turn the grind even finer. The outcome was reasonable though. I brewed my wife's light roast and she said it tasted the same as with the Aeropress. I used my medium roast and when it was still hot there was a bitter note that isn't usually there, but once it cooled a bit that went away, and now there is a citrus note spike that wasn't there as intensely with the Aeropress.

The adventure continues.
Great googly moogly there's a lot of nuances and minute details to this coffee stuff. This morning was trying out the V60, which I think needs to be mastered if you're going to consider yourself fully immersed in the home coffee brewing hobby. Needless to say, the littlest bit of research will show there are countless ways to brew with this simple thing. Some are almost polar opposites of each other. I chose to loosely follow James Hoffman's technique. And can I just say, let's call them techniques instead of "recipes"? These guys keep calling differences in techniques or procedures, recipes. All your friggin' "recipes" are the same. Coffee and water. There's your flippin' recipe.

I went up to a 1:16 ratio and used 25g beans and 400g water. I turned the Ode down to 2 as this technique uses a finer grind. Bloomed with as much agitation I could get and then two pours with some swirling and a light spoon stir at the end of the 2nd pour. I didn't use a timer and should have to get the data point, but I think the brew went a lot faster than Mr. Hoffman intends. The only way I can think to slow this down is to turn the grind even finer. The outcome was reasonable though. I brewed my wife's light roast and she said it tasted the same as with the Aeropress. I used my medium roast and when it was still hot there was a bitter note that isn't usually there, but once it cooled a bit that went away, and now there is a citrus note spike that wasn't there as intensely with the Aeropress.

The adventure continues.
I use a 16:1 ratio as well... Can you take a guess as to how long the brew took to complete? Normally mine goes between 2min 40sec to 2min 50sec.
I use a 16:1 ratio as well... Can you take a guess as to how long the brew took to complete? Normally mine goes between 2min 40sec to 2min 50sec.
Probably all said and done it might have been around that. Coffee is all gone and I haven’t had breakfast yet so maybe I’ll give it another go.
Ok. Round 2 same technique and same outcome. Brew took 2:30. But in rewatching the video I realized I deviated and waited between the 2nd and 3rd pour where he just slows down to keep the water at a high level. Been watching too many videos and got confused. And according to James I should be making the grind a bit more coarse to adjust away the bitter flavor. But this will also speed up the brew in theory. Bummer is I’m almost out of these beans so comparing to what I’ve been drinking will have to stop.

Check out that flat bed though!
You need to get one we could make a VR Scotch Lounge and the games are a blast especially the bowling. Let me know how you like yours Muahahahaha
Stand alone you download all the stuff. I have the older version, but am going to get the new one soon with the virtual boundaries so you can walk around Facebook owns oculus now so software should get better, tell your wife I love her LOL
Stand alone you download all the stuff. I have the older version, but am going to get the new one soon with the virtual boundaries so you can walk around Facebook owns oculus now so software should get better, tell your wife I love her LOL
How does it work with glasses? Even with them I can’t focus on something only a few inches in front of my face.
2 things you can remove one of the inner plastic retainer ( is specifically made for folks with glasses, and/or there is a small dioptic adjustment that can be made
How does it work with glasses? Even with them I can’t focus on something only a few inches in front of my face.

2 things you can remove one of the inner plastic retainer ( is specifically made for folks with glasses, and/or there is a small dioptic adjustment that can be made
You can also have prescription lens inserts made for it so you don't have to wear glasses while you have it own. I can wear glasses with mine when I am not wearing contacts and its not really uncomfortable.