The Shaving Cadre

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The TSC Coffee Shop

From what I understand though the siphon brews can use different types of filters from cloth or paper to wire mesh so you could just use a different filter type for a richer flavor couldn't you....
I haven’t explored other filter options for mine, though I have no doubt that you’re right.

One day this week, I’ll try to make a siphon pot and post some pics.
Clearly my next experiment needs to be paper vs metal filter. Just reading about them and my very few experiences with French press, I assumed I would like paper filtered coffee better. But that was before the immense internet education I have now.
Update? Not much. I'm still planning on a paper vs metal filter showdown. Also back to using the Aeropress exclusively at work. But got really spoiled by the grinder at home so started looking for something aesthetically pleasing that I could carry a volume of grounds to work for one cup. Maybe I'll take a whole week's worth. Yes, technically not as good as fresh ground, but still better than buying ground and it sitting there for weeks. I remember at one point seeing some sweet-looking matte black metal container with screw tops and some knurling but cost like over $20 a pop. While on a 4-hour call I had a bit of time to look around for stuff. Also had my wife volume measure what 20g of beans are. Seems like 2oz will fit 20g of beans that aren't ground, so should have no problem with them ground even accounting for variability in volume with roast level. Actually, there are many containers around that size meant for storing the happy weed, but I went with a 2.5 Oz paper tube meant for deodorant or such with a push-up bottom. Don't need the push-up part, but the cap that slides down goes over approx. 2/3 of the container which makes it unlikely to fall off accidentally. There were some other tubes available through Amazon, but the ones I chose have more of the sexy factor which I'm known for as they are smooth and don't have the spiral markings of a bathroom tissue roll. Also, some writing with a silver sharpie should look sweet on the black.

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This morning I thought I should use up some of the stuff that's been sitting in my office. I got a pack of disposable pour-overs from the place I get my beans from. I figure I should use these up as they won't get better over time. They are sold as a convenient way of getting a pour-over without needing anything other than a hot water source. Well, yes, but. You also need a fairly large mug. As you can see in the picture, the bag of ground sits fairly deep into the mug, so you need enough space below that for the coffee to drip. The first time I used one, I didn't have that, the bag sat in brewed water and I just pulled it out and let it finish dripping. Not the best, but it worked. Today I used a bigger mug which did end up having enough space. But the coffee it made had a bit of a stale taste to it. Similar to what you get with a Keurig, but not nearly as bad. I guess it might be worth traveling with, but personally I woudn't call it "good" coffee so not worth messing with or the $2 per cup price.

I am still a neanderthal of coffee making. I have a drip coffee maker and no grinder, so I buy coffee while bean, but have to get it ground at the store. I have been looking at a French press though. Just haven't gotten it yet. Had transitioned to loose leaf tea for a few months, but recently came back.