The Shaving Cadre

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The TSC Coffee Shop

The Kenya AA Roasting when my roaster shut down is OK, but not great. It ended up a medium roast, but I think I would have preferred it to be darker. However, when combined with a dark roast Nicaraguan it ends up being a nice cup of coffee. I'm enjoying some now, and it is flavorful with nice body to it. Disaster averted. :)
The Kenya AA Roasting when my roaster shut down is OK, but not great. It ended up a medium roast, but I think I would have preferred it to be darker. However, when combined with a dark roast Nicaraguan it ends up being a nice cup of coffee. I'm enjoying some now, and it is flavorful with nice body to it. Disaster averted. :)
Any links to roasters you're considering?
More than I'm willing to dish out not knowing if it's going to last more than a few months to a year....
This is their follow-up to their very popular 1600AB, which is sold out everywhere. The 1600AB has uniformly good-excellent reviews. Its one drawback is that due to its fire suppression technology, it won't give you a Viennese roast because it shuts itself down. Maybe the 2000AB addresses that, I don't know. As a second generation iteration it may, but in any case, it's clearly better, hence the higher number. You can't put a higher number on a product that isn't better than its predecessor. Everyone knows that!
I prefer the french press over pour over because with a french press you don't filter out all those amazing oils that add so much to the flavor.
I used to do French Press until I found my cholesterol was too high. A friend told me I needed to filter my coffee through paper. I honestly didn’t believe him so I looked it up and he was right!
I used to do French Press until I found my cholesterol was too high. A friend told me I needed to filter my coffee through paper. I honestly didn’t believe him so I looked it up and he was right!
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I used to do French Press until I found my cholesterol was too high. A friend told me I needed to filter my coffee through paper. I honestly didn’t believe him so I looked it up and he was right!

I read about that as well. However I believe it also depends on how much coffee you drink. If you drink in excess of 5 or 6 cup of coffee a day, the unfiltered coffee can cause a meaningful rise in cholesterol. I drink two cups a day. I've also just started an exercise regimen and hope the exercise combined with a healthier diet will serve to bring my cholesterol levels low enough that I can hopefully come off the Atorvastatin that I take to lower it. With the meds my cholesterol is down around 130. I'm hoping this new exercise will lower it even further. I'm having blood work done in a couple of week so I'll see if there is any meaningful change in my cholesterol, blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar levels. I'd like to get off the two blood pressure meds I'm on as well. Time will tell.
4 scoops LOL! I did a pound and it took ffour 10 minute roasts.

There is a catcher at the top that collects the chaff.
Thanks Chad. Only downside I see is the 1/4 pound at a time and complaints I read of people breaking the glass chamber easily but you haven't had that problem. Still researching in advance of mine dieing.
Thanks Chad. Only downside I see is the 1/4 pound at a time and complaints I read of people breaking the glass chamber easily but you haven't had that problem. Still researching in advance of mine dieing.

They upgraded the model and the glass chamber is nicer on the newer model.