The Shaving Cadre

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The TSC Coffee Shop

Vietnam is the world's #2 coffee producer. There have to be a bunch of online sellers of unroasted beans out there. I just haven't looked.
Did a pound from Mexico this morning and doing another now from Guatemala. I like these 1 pound bags from CBC and they can be reused.
You're in a roasting groove, Dave. Dipping into the Classics Sampler, I see. I'll bet those taste great.

My Sumatran Peaberry tastes like unsweetened loose leaf tea. I thought the first pot's tea flavor was light on beans, so I used more for the second pot. It tastes like strong tea! Amazing light flavor. I may use it to mix in with stronger coffees, and I'll blend some with some Dominican Peaberry and see what that tastes like.
You're in a roasting groove, Dave. Dipping into the Classics Sampler, I see. I'll bet those taste great.

My Sumatran Peaberry tastes like unsweetened loose leaf tea. I thought the first pot's tea flavor was light on beans, so I used more for the second pot. It tastes like strong tea! Amazing light flavor. I may use it to mix in with stronger coffees, and I'll blend some with some Dominican Peaberry and see what that tastes like.
Sounds good Bruce. We prefer a darker robust coffee as I like the flavor that way and she needs it dark enough to add to her cream and sugar 😂
Roasted another lb of Sumatran Peaberry today. The batch I did last weekend was a light roast, which I wanted, but the taste is too light for me. Today I roasted longer for a darker roast, but not quite as dark as I wanted. My goal was to have some beans glistening with oil, but stopped it too soon. I mixed 1/3 light roast with 2/3 of today's darker roast and brewed a pot. It tasted great, with the lighter tea flavor now a pleasant aftertaste. EE1C357C-3829-469E-82D5-CFC29FC1A8CD_1_201_a.jpeg
Last week's roast.

Jar of last week's with today's.
Anyone else have issues with the Mexican beans from the Bean Corral sampler pack? They are taking forever to roast and still not looking all that hot.
Anyone else have issues with the Mexican beans from the Bean Corral sampler pack? They are taking forever to roast and still not looking all that hot.
I haven't gotten to those yet. I've accumulated a bit of a stockpile. How'd they turn out?