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The Reading Lounge

My son is 5 and he's very interested in reading. So I bought Roald Dahl set from Costco. Lately before bed we've been reading the BFG. I loved that book as a kid and still like it to this day.
Roald Dahl is great! I read Matilda to Baby G while she was still in her mama's tummy. Who knows if she heard anything, but it was a fun to revisit. I should do the same with the BFG.
My son is 5 and he's very interested in reading. So I bought Roald Dahl set from Costco. Lately before bed we've been reading the BFG. I loved that book as a kid and still like it to this day.

He’ll be able to tackle Fantastic Mr Fox by himself soon, especially if he’s a precocious reader.
My son is 5 and he's very interested in reading. So I bought Roald Dahl set from Costco. Lately before bed we've been reading the BFG. I loved that book as a kid and still like it to this day.
My wife and I have talked about reading and kids at a young age. My wife started reading books at a very young age and I think it is one of the reasons she is incredibly smart. I personally believe that reading as a child...whether it is the child reading or the parent reading to the the single most important thing developmentally a child can do!
Just finished "Marine Sniper" which was the story of Carlos Hathcock who was the best sniper our country had ever seen. He was a Vietnam era sniper and much of the current sniper programs out there got their roots from Carlos' work developing the sniper craft in wartime use. This was a very interesting read with the author admitting that he added likely fictional conversations that he knew took place but didn't have word for word transcripts or anything like that to work with. Many of the movies on this topic have borrowed off the true life accomplishments of Carlos'. Next on deck is a book on tracking.

Marine Sniper was on the Commandant's reading list when I was in the Marine Corp. I read it back in the 90s and remember that it was a fantastic book! I need to pick it up again because I don't remember much from it.
I’m still trying to finish Fire and Blood. I’m a little more than halfway through (haven’t began able to read on a nightly basis in a while) and it’s starting to get a little boring. At first it was quite enjoyable but now it’s starting to feel like a history book. Hopefully it picks up again soon.
Marine Sniper was on the Commandant's reading list when I was in the Marine Corp. I read it back in the 90s and remember that it was a fantastic book! I need to pick it up again because I don't remember much from it.

Carlos was one squared away Marine. He even had his uniforms and regs tailored to fit him exactly. I got mine as a first edition from a used book website. Great read for sure.
We had no power last night, so I actually picked up a book for the first time in a long time. Started re-reading Deadspawn. It is part 5 in the Necroscope series by Brian Lumley.
Just picked up "Why Orwell Matters" by the late Christopher Hitchens. Looking forward to reading it.
I met Christopher Hitchens while in Afghanistan, it's a very interesting story how we met. But He was a guy I immediately liked. I am sad that I didn't keep up with him after I left Afghanistan. My partner did however and talked to him frequently up until his death. I'll see if I can pull up a few pics I have of him. I had his book "God is Not Great' for sometime before it washed away (literally) a few years ago. Never read it. Maybe I need to buy it again.
I met Christopher Hitchens while in Afghanistan, it's a very interesting story how we met. But He was a guy I immediately liked. I am sad that I didn't keep up with him after I left Afghanistan. My partner did however and talked to him frequently up until his death. I'll see if I can pull up a few pics I have of him. I had his book "God is Not Great' for sometime before it washed away (literally) a few years ago. Never read it. Maybe I need to buy it again.

I suggest getting God is Not Great on audio, as the version I have was read by Hitchens himself. Very engaging book, and what a fantastic voice.
If you want a mindless romp into an evolutionary Sci-fi picture of the world then I recommend "Junk", an audible orginal by Less Bohem. It is raw and dirty and scarily the way it would be. Narrated by John Waters which at 1st seems odd, but his "smartass" way about him makes it fit. Warning** language that will make anyone blush, LOL
There is a fantasy series I really like called the night angel trilogy by Brent Weeks. The audio books are made by graphic audio and they have multiple voice actors, sound effects and a score. They have several genres but that's the only thing I have from them currently.
I met Christopher Hitchens while in Afghanistan, it's a very interesting story how we met. But He was a guy I immediately liked. I am sad that I didn't keep up with him after I left Afghanistan. My partner did however and talked to him frequently up until his death. I'll see if I can pull up a few pics I have of him. I had his book "God is Not Great' for sometime before it washed away (literally) a few years ago. Never read it. Maybe I need to buy it again.
Cool! Whatever one thinks of Hitchens' politics, there is no denying he had the goods for public debate and speaking. He was erudite, eloquent, and principled.
I finished the JQ Adams biography on audio and am moving on to NK Jemisin’s ‘The Obelisk Gate,’ the second in her Broken Earth trilogy. I’m also reading Dickens’ ‘Great Expectations’ on ebook.
Thought I'd throw in some entertaining, spy, action, man that doesn't play by the rules, can't kill the hero. It's the Gray Man series by Mark Greaney. The 8th book in the series just came out on Audible a couple of months ago and I started it this morning. Good stuff.
Still plugging along with Great Expectations. I’m also about to start That Hideous Strength, last in CS Lewis’s Space Trilogy on audio. I read that one for class in college and liked it, but hadn’t read the first two.
I need to make more time to read. I have been in kind of an auto-pilot mode lately and watching too much TV.
I need to make more time to read. I have been in kind of an auto-pilot mode lately and watching too much TV.
Same here. I got a little bored with the Blood and Fire Targaryan history book, and then baseball season started. So I haven't been reading as much as I usually do lately.
Starting at the beginning of last year, I made a concerted effort to read more (and that includes audiobooks), as I was settling into TV or surfing the web. Many nights, I'm too tired to read anything, but I give it a go anyway. Just because I wasn't reading didn't mean that I stopped buying books, so there are plenty on the shelves, so this year, my New Year's resolution was to go through the entire year without purchasing any books for myself (the monthly Audible subscription doesn't count). I'm relying on what's already in the house, and what the library can provide, which also includes free ebooks or audiobooks through a digital lending program (Libby, Hoopla, RBdigital). So far, so good.