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The Reading Lounge

Add done! The MILLIONAIRE TEACHER is indeed all about using low MER index ETFs as the unexciting but closest-thing-to-a-sure-thing way of building wealth. It's not overly technical and has a few chapters near the end providing examples on how to implement this approach based on where you live (Canada, US, UK, Singapore, Australia, etc...) using locally available indices.

I will probably pick up a copy for my niece.
All done with Animal Farm. A shocking end to a truly riveting story of the triumph of hard work and dedication. Just one thing perplexes me.... I could not find the passage about Bluto and his "I'm a zit!" scene. Like many of the citizens of the Farm, I must have misremembered things.
Some light reading for the next few days. Look, @NurseDave, NOT a finance book. 🤪
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Ah! Some current events and recent history I see!
All done with Animal Farm. A shocking end to a truly riveting story of the triumph of hard work and dedication. Just one thing perplexes me.... I could not find the passage about Bluto and his "I'm a zit!" scene. Like many of the citizens of the Farm, I must have misremembered things.
Anthem by Ayn Rand is another good, short dystopian novel if you're running the gamut. I had a big Rand kick in high school. I remember loving The Fountainhead, but I should probably revisit it now to see if that's still true--my world views have evolved quite a bit since being a self-centered senior. I hated Atlas Shrugged, what a bloated mess. Ok lady, we get your point!
Now reading Schrödinger’s Ball by Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me panelist Adam Felber.
Remind me to never read experimental novels where quantum mechanics and string theory are applied to life on the macro scale. Sheesh. It’s done though.

Moving on to Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake, first in the Gormenghast series.
So Schrod's Ball was sort of the same "fun read" for you as the first 3rd of the SillyMarrillion was for me?

Gormenghast ... I think I've heard that name before. :unsure: Looking forward to your take on it.
You don’t have to tell me twice.
A key premise of the book is that like Schrödinger’s cat, if it’s not observed then it is both alive and dead simultaneously. Now apply that logic to a human who is dead but not observed to be that way and the ‘live’ one continues to go on. Hilarity ensues.