The Shaving Cadre

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The Reading Lounge

I finished Colson Whitehead’s ‘Harlem Shuffle’ last night. If you’ve read any of his other books, this is a bit of a departure. It’s a heist story in the best sense. The work he does with characters is great and the writing is so readable. It brought to mind Walter Moseley’s Easy Rawlins novels, but written from a different perspective. It’s a very immersive read and you can feel yourself in the middle of Harlem in the late 50’s-early 60’s. I highly recommend it.
I'm getting there!!! Just finished the VALAQUENTA and only ~60 pages left to go in the The Silmarillion.
... and we are done!

In review, the book is more a history that is narrated rather than "lived." The names, lineages, family trees and who is who's cousin is something that just went "blah blah blah" for me. The are some good stories contained within, but much of it can be a slog to get through.

I have had this book for well over 30 years and never managed to get through even the first 100 pages, but thanks( :unsure:) to Bob/@beginish , I persisted. Will I read it again? The magic 8-ball says "Probabilities are slim" and I would concur.
... and we are done!

In review, the book is more a history that is narrated rather than "lived." The names, lineages, family trees and who is who's cousin is something that just went "blah blah blah" for me. The are some good stories contained within, but much of it can be a slog to get through.

I have had this book for well over 30 years and never managed to get through even the first 100 pages, but thanks( :unsure:) to Bob/@beginish , I persisted. Will I read it again? The magic 8-ball says "Probabilities are slim" and I would concur.
Woohoo! The Silmarillion is worth the read just for the Beren and Luthien story. I’m going to read it again this year. After the first read, you know what stuff you can gloss over.

Similarly, I’m almost finished Thurber’s 92 Stories. Generally not my taste, but one story was so good, I’m glad I read the book just for it alone.
This is a late-2020 2nd edition of the book I read in mid-2020. Should be a quick review that I hope to have finished by tomorrow night.
I swear, I wish I knew how Le Carré did it. His ability to completely pull you into a story has few peers. This one, his last, is 200 pages and unlike his others with a lot of set up, he just got down to business. Boom. You’re in.
Started a New set of Books
The Obesity Code and The Cancer Code by Dr. Jason Fung....
Super interesting and Spits in the face of Conventional thinking and is a real revelation as to whom is really making medical and diet recommendations and guidelines
Worth a read
A non-financial retirement book (eBook from the library) for me to read through tomorrow.
View attachment 76299

Based on interviews with more than 60 folks, this book was an examination of the fears, hopes, dreams and anxieties that men may have as the approach, enter and live in retirement. A nice and easy read in which I recognized myself a few times during various stages of life. eg. Feeling that you ARE defined by your work (long past that even when I was working).

Rather than being about making the most of what (few) years you have left, the writing is about learning to think about what makes you happy and, if you don't know that already, providing examples of what the interviewees say enriches their lives, thinking that perhaps some of those may be rewarding to you.

All in all, a nice read and one I will be recommending to my wife and our walking friends; he is retired 3 years already ... she just retired last month and is already going stir-crazy. o_O
Three(3) quick eBook reads over the past week.
Didn't learn much from any of them.:cautious: ... but I suppose that could also be a good thing. ;)

Struggling to find financial books to dive into.
