Wait, what? You can't even pay shipping? Where are these rules?
Since I can't even remember all the rules, here is a repost from last year's "S" Word thread (with edits for dates)...
These are the rules:
1. When you sign up for the restraint you will declare the length of time, in months, you intend to engage in the restraint. The whole year is preferred, but not required.
2. The restraint starts at 00:00 January 1, 2020 in your local time zone and lasts until the end of your declaration or 23:59 December 31, 2020, which ever comes first.
3. For the duration of the restraint all shave purchases are disallowed. (A list of exceptions is included below.)
4. Disallowed shave purchases include the use of gift cards to shaving related sites, including shaving purchases from sites like Amazon and eBay.
5. Buying means spending money on shaving goods. This includes, but is not limited to: soaps, creams, brushes, aftershaves, blades, scuttles, stones, strops, lapping film, razor handles, re-plating services, honing solution, shave mugs, soap containers, and so on.
6. If you need something during the restraint it is expected that you will trade with another member for it.
7. Trades should be limited to no more than three per month of restraint. Postage does add up over time and significant postage expenses could be considered to be a shave purchase.
8. Please post pictures of all trades in this thread so that we all can get vicarious pleasure from the transaction.
9. Receiving of gifts and PIFs is a gray area. While not expressly disallowed, we are all gentle-persons on TSC and should agree to act as such in appraisals of "still in" or "knocked out" after the receipt of a gift or PIF.
10. Pass-around boxes do not count towards the trade limit, are not considered to be purchases, and are completely permissible.
11. Anything ordered and paid for before 00:00 January 1, 2020, but not delivered until after that time will not cause a "knock out" from the restraint.
12. Let's keep this gentlemanly/gentlewomanly and positive. We are doing this to encourage and support one another.
These are the exceptions:
1. Maintenance expenses such as razor honing. This does not include re-plating services, unless it is to make an unusable razor usable and no other usable razor is available.
2. Emergency replacements (i.e. your travel brush breaks while on vacation, you may purchase a replacement without being knocked out.)
3. Items purchased specifically to be included in PIFs. The item must be PIFed during 2020 if bought in 2020.
4. Any TSC branded merchandise.
5. Monetary donations to TSC.
6. Any officially sanctioned TSC group buys.
7. Soaps purchased specifically to donate to the TSC Soap Sample Library. (100% of the product must be donated and sent to the librarian!)
8. Soap samples acquired from the TSC Soap Sample library. (Yes, this could be a loophole.)
9. Sample sized containers for PIFs and donations to the Soap Sample Library.
10. Non-shaving items sold by shaving vendors. (i.e. body butter, bath soap, etc.)
11. An item from your personal exception list.
Personal exception lists: Each participant in the restraint should post a list of not more than three exceptions at the time they join the restraint. Lack of a posted list indicates that no exceptions are being taken! These exceptions should be as specific as possible. (i.e. "A purchase from Maggard Razors" is okay, but "A purchase of two soaps and two aftershaves from Maggard Razors" or "The purchase of a Timeless Razor" are better because they are more specific.)