The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

Here we go! I'm gonna do some reading on intermittent fasting. One of my biggest problems is snacking late
To each their own. And some folks have better success in having a framework to follow. I do have an opinion that good choices based on overall good and balanced nutrition is the only thing most people need. (Do as I say, not as I do). This is a good example. I mentioned I need to stop the pre-bed snacking. But that doesn’t need a name put to it. I just need to grab some water, or switch my snack to celery.
I have some ideas on how I want to proceed with this journey I am starting on (everything in my life turns out to be a journey...for most of my life I feel like Moses and the Israelites wondering in the desert for 40 years...I know where I am supposed to just takes me a long time to get there). This weekend I just need to finalize some things and put it down on paper. That doesn't mean that I can't adjust fire as I go. I just find it easier to follow a plan than to just have jumbled thoughts in my mind.

One of the things that I really want to put an emphasis on is protein. The Mother-in-Law recently had weight-loss surgery and is doing well with it. Her diet (as prescribed by the doctor) has changed to a very protein heavy diet. It got me thinking abut exactly how much protein I should be taking in daily/weekly. It seems that on average most people do not consume enough protein in their diet. I did some rough calculations on the days where I thought that I was doing well in that department. It turns out...yeah...not so much. Anyway...another thing that I will discuss with the doc when I go see her...but for the moment...I think I really need to prioritize protein in my diet.

So the next six months or so are going to be a bit of an experiment with me. I am not going to do any "named" diet. But if I had to describe it it will be a, "whole food, low carb (elimination of sugars and grains), moderate healthy fats, with a priority on protein." I'll call it the "WFLCesgMHFwPoP" diet. I think it is catchy...what do you all think?

Seriously though...I've done the Ketogenic Diet before with great success. In fact...I felt really good! Part of it was because I lost a lot of weight...the other part was the Ketones my body produced. Man...those things can make you feel REALLY GOOD!

Anyway...if I had to guess, with the approach I am going to take, I'll probably be producing ketones at some level. And some days I might be full out ketogenic. I don't think I will consume enough carbohydrates to sustain any kind of energy levels, so the fat will be important as an energy source (whether it is the coconut oil I add to my diet, or that Krispy Kreme donut I ate a year ago).

I have some ideas for my exercise...but that will be another post. Just some thoughts guys of what I am going to do.

Good Luck Guys and gals!
I have some ideas on how I want to proceed with this journey I am starting on (everything in my life turns out to be a journey...for most of my life I feel like Moses and the Israelites wondering in the desert for 40 years...I know where I am supposed to just takes me a long time to get there). This weekend I just need to finalize some things and put it down on paper. That doesn't mean that I can't adjust fire as I go. I just find it easier to follow a plan than to just have jumbled thoughts in my mind.

One of the things that I really want to put an emphasis on is protein. The Mother-in-Law recently had weight-loss surgery and is doing well with it. Her diet (as prescribed by the doctor) has changed to a very protein heavy diet. It got me thinking abut exactly how much protein I should be taking in daily/weekly. It seems that on average most people do not consume enough protein in their diet. I did some rough calculations on the days where I thought that I was doing well in that department. It turns out...yeah...not so much. Anyway...another thing that I will discuss with the doc when I go see her...but for the moment...I think I really need to prioritize protein in my diet.

So the next six months or so are going to be a bit of an experiment with me. I am not going to do any "named" diet. But if I had to describe it it will be a, "whole food, low carb (elimination of sugars and grains), moderate healthy fats, with a priority on protein." I'll call it the "WFLCesgMHFwPoP" diet. I think it is catchy...what do you all think?

Seriously though...I've done the Ketogenic Diet before with great success. In fact...I felt really good! Part of it was because I lost a lot of weight...the other part was the Ketones my body produced. Man...those things can make you feel REALLY GOOD!

Anyway...if I had to guess, with the approach I am going to take, I'll probably be producing ketones at some level. And some days I might be full out ketogenic. I don't think I will consume enough carbohydrates to sustain any kind of energy levels, so the fat will be important as an energy source (whether it is the coconut oil I add to my diet, or that Krispy Kreme donut I ate a year ago).

I have some ideas for my exercise...but that will be another post. Just some thoughts guys of what I am going to do.

Good Luck Guys and gals!
Don, I remember reading in your last journey that you added electrolytes to your diet. But I can't remember why.
@dangerousdon , I like your plan and it will essentially be what I will be doing. 15 years ago I lost 160 lbs with a change in diet to "WFLCesgMHFw". When I got to my goal I remember having discussions with people and saying that the only thing I would have done differently was that I would have added more protein. So I will definitely try to add the "PoP" this time.
Also if it hasn't been mentioned already.....( this is not medical advice ) but Remember to talk to your doctors before undertaking any drastic changes in your routine. Any time you start a new diet or exercising its best to make sure you are physically up to the challenges involved.....Be safe And Careful Everyone.. I'm rooting for your success.... I'm not taking part in this challenge but will follow and encourage where I can. There wouldn't be a change for me because I weigh almost the exact same I have for over 30 years... I guess I'm lucky because my weight doesn't really change.... (Sorry to those that do) Good luck everyone and I hope you all reach your goals !!!!
Also if it hasn't been mentioned already.....( this is not medical advice ) but Remember to talk to your doctors before undertaking any drastic changes in your routine. Any time you start a new diet or exercising its best to make sure you are physically up to the challenges involved.....Be safe And Careful Everyone.. I'm rooting for your success.... I'm not taking part in this challenge but will follow and encourage where I can. There wouldn't be a change for me because I weigh almost the exact same I have for over 30 years... I guess I'm lucky because my weight doesn't really change.... (Sorry to those that do) Good luck everyone and I hope you all reach your goals !!!!
While I agree, and everyone should be safe and make sure they are not doing things that will be harmful. Last time I started losing weight I ended up fireing my primary doctor for giving me generic "BS" advice (through her nurse) without even asking me what I was doing or how I was doing it. I found it much more helpful and educational talking to the Nutritionist at the hospital.
While I agree, and everyone should be safe and make sure they are not doing things that will be harmful. Last time I started losing weight I ended up fireing my primary doctor for giving me generic "BS" advice (through her nurse) without even asking me what I was doing or how I was doing it. I found it much more helpful and educational talking to the Nutritionist at the hospital.
I meant your medical professionals whoever that may be ......Also some people can't handle strenuous activity and need to be monitored to make sure they aren't doing harm.. Either way just be safe people's......And like previously stated... IM ROOTING FOR ALL OF YOU.
Here we go! I'm gonna do some reading on intermittent fasting.
Intermittent fasting is amazing! There are all different versions and strategies. I started slow, by just skipping breakfast. Then when I got used to that I moved lunch and dinner closer together to eat both within a 6 hour window. This 18/6 is a pretty common routine, which a lot of people like.
Eventually I moved to 23/1, where you eat whatever you want during that one hour. That is OMAD, or one meal a day. I felt fabulous on that routine. You keep yourself full and stomach occupied with water, coffee or tea.
Then while I was deployed over the summer I tried OMEOD one meal every other day. It’s crazy, but when your on this schedule, you don’t get hungry. And I discovered that I felt free. Not being tied down to schedules of when to eat is amazing. You realize how much we like our lives and are controlled by food.
Also, as Don mentioned about ketones, I’ve never felt as energetic as I did when I went an entire day without food. As someone who eats all the time it’s hard to imagine. You think that if you don’t eat you won’t have energy. But your body makes it’s own energy. I was running, biking, and lifting weights while fasted and never lost energy!
Also, folks have mentioned that eating healthy costs more than eating junk.... but with fasting, you eat a lot less so you can save a ton of money!
I’m really looking forward to getting back to fasting.
Intermittent fasting is amazing! There are all different versions and strategies. I started slow, by just skipping breakfast. Then when I got used to that I moved lunch and dinner closer together to eat both within a 6 hour window. This 18/6 is a pretty common routine, which a lot of people like.
Eventually I moved to 23/1, where you eat whatever you want during that one hour. That is OMAD, or one meal a day. I felt fabulous on that routine. You keep yourself full and stomach occupied with water, coffee or tea.
Then while I was deployed over the summer I tried OMEOD one meal every other day. It’s crazy, but when your on this schedule, you don’t get hungry. And I discovered that I felt free. Not being tied down to schedules of when to eat is amazing. You realize how much we like our lives and are controlled by food.
Also, as Don mentioned about ketones, I’ve never felt as energetic as I did when I went an entire day without food. As someone who eats all the time it’s hard to imagine. You think that if you don’t eat you won’t have energy. But your body makes it’s own energy. I was running, biking, and lifting weights while fasted and never lost energy!
Also, folks have mentioned that eating healthy costs more than eating junk.... but with fasting, you eat a lot less so you can save a ton of money!
I’m really looking forward to getting back to fasting.
Yea who knows where it will take me, but I'm leaning towards an 18/6 method. But I really enjoy breakfast like eggs and such. So that might be become my lunch. The program WW which is free through my employer works/worked for me. I lost 100 pounds. Now sadly put a chunk of thst back on... Screw you 2020! So I'm hoping to combine fasting and WW, to limit my snacking. That is what has killed me. I eat healthy meals. But when it's not a meal I snack very badly and very unhealthy.
Don, I remember reading in your last journey that you added electrolytes to your diet. But I can't remember why.
While on a Ketogenic Diet, the body tends to eliminate a lot of water, thus excreting sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Especially the first few weeks of keto...electrolyte levels can plummet and you can lose energy, feel lightheaded, or just overall not great.

I was able to quickly overcome these symptoms, sometimes called Keto Flu, by adding a little more salt to things I eat and I would also make my own electrolyte drink. Also remember that when you are on a diet like keto or paleo or any whole food are eating less processed foods. Processed foods tend to have a lot of sodium in it.

Hopes this helps.
But I really enjoy breakfast like eggs and such. So that might be become my lunch.
Yeah, I love my eggs and bacon. I also began eating that for lunch. Worked very well.
Especially the first few weeks of keto...electrolyte levels can plummet and you can lose energy, feel lightheaded, or just overall not great.
I never got the keto flu, but I knew I was down on electrolytes because I would get leg cramps in the middle of the night.
I would also make my own electrolyte drink
I drink pickle juice! Love that stuff.
While I agree, and everyone should be safe and make sure they are not doing things that will be harmful. Last time I started losing weight I ended up fireing my primary doctor for giving me generic "BS" advice (through her nurse) without even asking me what I was doing or how I was doing it. I found it much more helpful and educational talking to the Nutritionist at the hospital.

I meant your medical professionals whoever that may be ......Also some people can't handle strenuous activity and need to be monitored to make sure they aren't doing harm.. Either way just be safe people's......And like previously stated... IM ROOTING FOR ALL OF YOU.
This is improtant...finding someone you trust in the medical community. I had to many doctors tell me that I needed to lose weight. But outside of a canned response or one told me how. I don't like dieticians myself. I had a bad experience with one and so did my wife. The guy tried to tell my wife that sweet potato was not good for you, but a half of a hot dog bun was a good way to get your starch. I flipped when I heard that. But I'm not going to say that all doctors and dieticians are bad...because there are some good ones out there.

What I do believe in is taking charge of your own health. You can do your own research and if you have ideas...bounce them off of someone you trust. That's what Ii do. Oh, and guess what? It is perfectly okay to disagree with your doctor or medical professional. It's also okay for them to disagree with you. Ultimately you are responsible for your own body and wellbeing. No pill is going to ever make you whole. And no doctor is ever really going to be able to figure out what you need to do. That is up to you.
Yea who knows where it will take me, but I'm leaning towards an 18/6 method. But I really enjoy breakfast like eggs and such. So that might be become my lunch. The program WW which is free through my employer works/worked for me. I lost 100 pounds. Now sadly put a chunk of thst back on... Screw you 2020! So I'm hoping to combine fasting and WW, to limit my snacking. That is what has killed me. I eat healthy meals. But when it's not a meal I snack very badly and very unhealthy.
Then do breakfast and lunch and skip dinner. Or eat Diner and Breakfast and skip lunch. There is no wrong way to do just have to figure out what is best for you.
Like KJ and Don KETO worked real well for me. I am going to put this here not only for accountability but motivation for me, I did this for the initial weigh in as well to give me a number of places to "Remind my self.


180 lbs.jpg.JPEG
Also for what it is worth I feel that this is a great resource for those doing KETO. He is a pioneer in it, Recipes and one of the biggest experts on Intermittent Fasting. Has a great youtube channel, as well as products ( Do not have to buy them)

Good Luck everyone
I find these discussions about Keto and fasting very interesting as I don't know a lot about them. My first go around losing weight I did the opposite of fasting, I ate small portions every 3 hours. I was steadily losing weight had more energy and felt better than any time in my life. Hope everyone finds their path to success.