The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

Sam...with all that protein you were look like you were in a "cut." I wouldn't call you skinny...just wire-y!
Really happy with my weight loss and its been an amazing experience this last 5 months! I've learned so much from you guys and I'm inspired to keep pushing toward my goal of 175LBS in the next few months. I didn't have a single cheat day, this entire 5 months and only ended up over on my carb goals maybe 3-4 times. My energy levels are great and I'm really looking forward to our vacation to Gulf Shores this week!!! It's going to be weird to cheat lol!

I'm wearing a size 32 pants and a size medium shirt, before I was wearing a size 38 pant that was too tight and large shirts that were too tight as well. I've lost a total of 51.4lbs and I'm currently 182.4.

I'm planning to transition to a Mediterranean diet with intermittent fasting in the next month. I'm sure I'll gain a little bit of weight as I add in a little more healthy carbs, but I'm ok with that. I'm excited to eat quinoa, sweet potatoes, and beans again!! I think I will maintain my prohibition on bread and most kinds of flour based snacks in favor of more whole foods or fruits.

Thanks again to @Spider for setting this up and all the support of my brothers!
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Really happy with my weight loss and its been an amazing experience this last 5 months! I've learned so much from you guys and I'm inspired to keep pushing toward my goal of 175LBS in the next few months. I didn't have a single cheat day, this entire 5 months and only ended up over on my carb goals maybe 3-4 times. My energy levels are great and I'm really looking forward to our vacation to Gulf Shores this week!!! It's going to be weird to cheat lol!

I'm wearing a size 32 pants and a size medium shirt, before I was wearing a size 38 pant that was too tight and large shirts that were too tight as well. I've lost a total of 51.4lbs and I'm currently 182.4.

I'm planning to transition to a Mediterranean diet with intermittent fasting in the next month. I'm sure I'll gain a little bit of weight as I add in a little more healthy carbs, but I'm ok with that. I'm excited to eat quinoa, sweet potatoes, and beans again!! I think I will maintain my prohibition on bread and most kinds of flour based snacks in favor of more whole foods or fruits.

Thanks again to @Spider for setting this up and all the support of my brothers!
When you transition to a Mediterranean diet, don't be surprised if you don't gain weight. When I lost my initial 70 pounds I transitioned to a Paleo-ish type of diet and was able to maintain my weight within a five pound margin up and down. I think it's important to cycle through different types of diets now and then. Just my opinion. But the common denominator between everything I do is really limit refined grains and refined sugars as well as eliminating bad oils (canola oil, soybean oil, etc).

You have done incredible work Matt!
All you guys have done well. Sorry @woodpusher that you didnt gain what you hoped... I still have added about 15 lbs that I Need to get rid of but just seem to be stuck... Congrats to you all for sticking through this....
When you transition to a Mediterranean diet, don't be surprised if you don't gain weight. When I lost my initial 70 pounds I transitioned to a Paleo-ish type of diet and was able to maintain my weight within a five pound margin up and down. I think it's important to cycle through different types of diets now and then. Just my opinion. But the common denominator between everything I do is really limit refined grains and refined sugars as well as eliminating bad oils (canola oil, soybean oil, etc).

You have done incredible work Matt!
Thanks Don, so have you!
So, our weight loss challenge has come to an end. And what an amazing experience this has been for me, and hopefully everyone who has participated, no matter how long they stayed with it.

So the top place finishers for this past month were Spider, @Luecke3262 , and @Shavin’ Yeti . With Spider and @Luecke3262 having aldready won monthly prizes, the prize this month goes to @Shavin’ Yeti !! I will get you in touch with @Dragonsbeard for your prize! Congrats!!!!!


For those curious how we did overall, here is the amount of weight that each of us lost over the duration of the 5 months. Some of us, for personal reasons were not able to continue on, but I have included their weight loss as of their last official weigh in.


So, if you total all of that up, we lost 408.5 lbs collectively as a Cadre, which is so amazing and unbelievable! I hope that everyone continues on their journeys to get and stay healthier, and that anyone who did not participate, but feels like they need to be a little healthier/slimmer/fitter/whatever that they can use our success as an example and motivation of what can be achieved. I know we will all be here to support anyone on the cadre who wants to begin their journey to a healthier lifestyle. We all have taken different paths to get here, and hopefully our group experience will help others in the future.
Loads of fun guys, I remember being really excited when @Spider brought up the idea of doing a challenge. I was not excited to get started, but man was it great!
This really is an amazing group and I couldn't be more proud of y'all!

For myself, I learned a good bot about myself this go around. I know the challenge is over, but I encourage all of you to continue on...tinker with that whole diet and exercise thing. Figure out what makes your machinery go! I personally feel like I am always trying to figure out which ways are best to optimize my metabolism. I have a pretty good idea of the general stuff...I am now trying to make my body into something that will last...and have a lot of energy in the process!

Keep it up guys!
My descent in oblivion continues, as I crashed through the 151 floor this morning. Didn't Steven King write a book about something like this? :eek:
Sam’s getting shredded for a pose-down!
Well, after Matt / @Luecke3262 was ZOOM-complimenting my quads last week (whazzupwitdat? :ROFLMAO:), you know that I am fully focused on the Mr. Universe competition. 💪👁️👁️🤙
At this point, I don’t think it matters what he eats.....
Maybe my cholesterol will be in a normal range on my next checkup! That would be a win!
Hey now, Chad's the leg shaver , not me! :eek:
And isn't Babba-Dabbid a long distance cyclist? I haven't seen his legs, but ... well..... probably best that we don't. :ROFLMAO: