The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

I'm feeling fine.
Actually I like to say that at this weight I like how my body drives.
Seriously though...I know the weight didn't come off exactly how you would have liked...but what you have accomplished John is truly amazing. Lots of hard work you have put in and you should be proud!
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Weird thing is, I'm getting alot of pressure to stop losing. Folks at the church are asking if I'm ok and afraid I'm losing too much weight. The wife is unhappy as she is seeing intermittent fasting as starving myself. I have added 2 24+hr fasts a week (Wednesday and Saturday) but am eating plenty of calories the other days.
Fasting seems insane to those who don't know anything about it and haven't experienced it for themselves. They always see it as starving. Starving and fasting are completely different. Plus, you aren't starving your body, you're telling your body to use it's own fat stores for energy. That's a good thing. And as long as you are feeling good and feeling healthy while doing it, that is what matters and tells you what you are doing is working.

I understand your wife having concerns. I'd have her do some reading on the subject, to set her mind at ease. I highly recommend "The Obesity Code" by Dr. Jason Fung. It's a great book, and covers everything about what makes us fat, and what does and doesn't work to lose fat. It covers why certain diets work at the beginning, but then ultimately fail and what will work as a sustainable diet. It goes into great detail, but is easily readable. It's what really convinced me to do fasting in the first place. Anyone who wishes to lose weight, should really read this book.

Once I did my first 3 day fast, and saw how I felt, it was a game changer. Over the summer I was at the 24hr mark, maybe longer, and did a 33 mile bike ride, and never ran out of energy. I just finished a 6 day fast (first time going that long). It was amazing. I still have energy and I feel great. I had a desire to eat, only because I wanted to eat something, not because I was hungry for food. I can totally see myself going on longer fasts than that.
Fasting seems insane to those who don't know anything about it and haven't experienced it for themselves. They always see it as starving. Starving and fasting are completely different. Plus, you aren't starving your body, you're telling your body to use it's own fat stores for energy. That's a good thing. And as long as you are feeling good and feeling healthy while doing it, that is what matters and tells you what you are doing is working.

I understand your wife having concerns. I'd have her do some reading on the subject, to set her mind at ease. I highly recommend "The Obesity Code" by Dr. Jason Fung. It's a great book, and covers everything about what makes us fat, and what does and doesn't work to lose fat. It covers why certain diets work at the beginning, but then ultimately fail and what will work as a sustainable diet. It goes into great detail, but is easily readable. It's what really convinced me to do fasting in the first place. Anyone who wishes to lose weight, should really read this book.

Once I did my first 3 day fast, and saw how I felt, it was a game changer. Over the summer I was at the 24hr mark, maybe longer, and did a 33 mile bike ride, and never ran out of energy. I just finished a 6 day fast (first time going that long). It was amazing. I still have energy and I feel great. I had a desire to eat, only because I wanted to eat something, not because I was hungry for food. I can totally see myself going on longer fasts than that.
The longest fast I have done is 20 days. That was several years ago. Didn't feel bad at all but I was a lot younger.
with The Monkey coming in second place.
I just finished a 6 day fast (first time going that long). It was amazing. I still have energy and I feel great. I had a desire to eat, only because I wanted to eat something, not because I was hungry for food. I can totally see myself going on longer fasts than that.
Amazing. What type of liquids does that entail! Water, coffee, tea? Anything else?

congrats on the 8%. Not a a bad bday month!
So just a reminder. This is the last month in the formal competition. Anyone who has won before is ineligible for this monthly prize so it's still open to anyone else..... keep this in mind of you've been close in previous months.

Also, the overall winner will be crowned. Even if you missed some of the monthly weigh ins, I'm only subtracting your beginning and ending weights for this one, so lets all work towards ending this thing on a high note!
So just a reminder. This is the last month in the formal competition. Anyone who has won before is ineligible for this monthly prize so it's still open to anyone else..... keep this in mind of you've been close in previous months.

Also, the overall winner will be crowned. Even if you missed some of the monthly weigh ins, I'm only subtracting your beginning and ending weights for this one, so lets all work towards ending this thing on a high note!
I'd rather end on a low one!
Honestly, I am very impressed with all of you! I really figured most of us would have dropped out by now. I probably haven't worked as hard as I could have on the weight loss, but I am still in a good position here. This has been a truly amazing experience and the network of good vibes in this group is awesome. There are a lot of different methods and modalities that are demonstrated and I find myself picking up things from others here and there. Love you guys and keep up the great work!
So now that all the big shot “losers” are out the way for may, who’s in this with me!! 3 more weeks.

My wife got me these new supposed fat burning Weight Watchers snacks but i’ve been getting terrible results with them. I think they most be defective.. it feels like a lot of them were stamped upside down at the factory, maybe they are fakes. Hmm. More research needed.

Just got back from a week in Vegas.... and I’m happy to report, I didn’t gain any weight! Yay! Was worried I was going to have a setback, because I did have a few cheats. But also did a lot of walking, so probably had some balance and worked off those carbs.
BOOM Finally hit that Major MILESTONE!!!! I've lost 50LBS!!! I weighed in this morning at 182.8LBS! I had been plateaued for some time at around 186-184 and then a nice drop in the last few days!

I never thought I could loose 50LBS in 4.33 months! Super excited and I know I'm going to hit my goal of 175LBS in the next month or two.

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement!!!

BOOM Finally hit that Major MILESTONE!!!! I've lost 50LBS!!! I weighed in this morning at 182.8LBS! I had been plateaued for some time at around 186-184 and then a nice drop in the last few days!

I never thought I could loose 50LBS in 4.33 months! Super excited and I know I'm going to hit my goal of 175LBS in the next month or two.

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement!!!

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As always I'm rooting for All Of You !!!!!!!