The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

I fasted last week from Sunday evening to Friday evening. Only water & coffee. Dropped 6 lbs. Then we splurged on dinner on Sat, and drank lots of Margaritas last weekend. I gained 4lbs back. Back on the fasting train again this week, hoping to finally get below 200. I’m so close.
I fasted last week from Sunday evening to Friday evening. Only water & coffee. Dropped 6 lbs. Then we splurged on dinner on Sat, and drank lots of Margaritas last weekend. I gained 4lbs back. Back on the fasting train again this week, hoping to finally get below 200. I’m so close.
Good luck....
As always I'm rooting for All of you to reach your goals..
After being in the 152's for the past few days, I cracked above 154 again due to feasting about apound of potatoes and a pound of chicken for supper last night. Overall,, my weight gain journey is having difficulties.
I might have to join you guys because for some reason in the last month I have gained almost 30 lbs... I haven't done Anything different except take the covid shot... I haven't altered eating patterns at all.... I don't know what to do because I have never had to go on a diet before ever because my weight Never changed...
I don't even know where to start !! I'm lost..
Up 30lbs in a month while doing nothing different? :unsure:
Probably want to check with your doc to make sure thyroids and all those other important things are functioning as they are supposed to.
Up 30lbs in a month while doing nothing different? :unsure:
Probably want to check with your doc to make sure thyroids and all those other important things are functioning as they are supposed to.
I will do that. Thanks. I haven't changed anything. I eat the same. I am very boring right now because I don't do Anything differently at all even meals and times I eat them are the same..
I will do that. Thanks. I haven't changed anything. I eat the same. I am very boring right now because I don't do Anything differently at all even meals and times I eat them are the same..
you got someone behind you putting their thumb on the scale to increase your sale price at market?? but in all seriousness, 30 sounds like a lot.. i'd say you could probably attribute a but under 10 to water weight if thats a thing for you.

at least check your scale. and if the batt is no good, i'd still see your doctor. my friend had his thyroid removed last year, it was causing him all kinds of issues.
No one is messing with the scales and it has a good battery and I zeroed it out... I mean my weight before was about 128 and I'm about 5 ft 8 in so I was probably a little under weight before but I just feel like I'm fat now and I don't Like it.....
Thank you @woodpusher and @global_dev for taking the time to reply to me... I appreciate it a lot....
Np, i think that anytime you have such a quick increase its good to be considering whats changing. But 160 at 5’8” thats not too bad is it? A bit high in the healthy BMI section but in the healthy zone still (i know bmi isnt everything).