The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

Mine is a like a roller coaster for small kids. Continual oscillation between 199 and 202. Slow and boring. Very depressing since i am putting in a lot of work to move the needle left.
Mine has slowed down as well. Still crawling in the right direction but I haven't managed to get my workouts rolling again. Planning to change that later today though.
Had a birthday party yesterday. I gave in to social pressure and ate the high carb meal and some cake and icecream.

The hard part of keto is the all or nothing aspect of it. Back to the grind for the next few days to get back into ketosis.
How's everyone doing this month?

We have 67 days until May 31st, 2021
how do your goals look? Are you heading in the right direction or do you need to refocus?

I've incorporated twice daily workouts and I'm doing more rigorous exercises in my routine. Still on strict Keto with one meal a day(rare occasions I've had a small meal at brunch). I'm currently down just shy of 36 lbs, hoping for 1-2 more pounds by our next weigh-in. My current focus is primarily weight loss, but my secondary focus is increasing muscle tone and strength.

Hope everyone is doing great!

I'm down about 2lbs from the start of the year, Matt, but that's not the direction I want to be going. I weight daily and my weight so far has a 5lb variance from lightest-heaviest YTD. Nowhere close to my goal of being massive. :(
I'm down about 2lbs from the start of the year, Matt, but that's not the direction I want to be going. I weight daily and my weight so far has a 5lb variance from lightest-heaviest YTD. Nowhere close to my goal of being massive. :(
Its only been 69 days, maybe you haven't hit your weight gain stride yet?? Try eating peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches. I know they used to be a thing here in the US back in the old days as massive caloric boosts to the daily diet. I hear they aren't too bad, though I haven't had bread in almost three months and have not been able to confirm it myself.
Stalled for most of the month. Decided on Monday to step up my fasting game. Been fasting from Midnight on Monday until now, and plan on going until around mid Friday to start easing back into food for the weekend re-feed.
Feeling pretty good for having not eaten anything in over 58 hours. Not hungry either. I actually love fasting. It was just kinda hard for me to get back into it. I've been dropping 1-2 lbs per day this way. I know some will come back on when I eat again, but definitely not as much as what's come off. Thinking about possibly doing a 4-5 day per week fast.
The weight is going southward. Maybe not as fast as I would like, but it's definitely going well. I am proving to myself that I can eat right (protein forward - mostly animal - whole food diet with some carbohydrates and an occasional cheat) and still enjoy a few things while losing weight. I am almost at my lowest weight from 2018 when I was strict keto for 10 months. I am hoping to hit that number by month's end and then work on more weight loss for the next two months. Oh man...240 would be awesome! But I will take a solid 250 also! I haven't been 240-250 in 20 years.
I haven't been on the scale for 2 weeks but I know I have been mostly out of keto due to a birthday party and being invited to peoples homes.
I'm happy for all of you. Keep it up everyone.. As I always say here... I'm rooting for All of you...
Weighed myself this AM with some trepidation. Havent weighed myself in 2-3 weeks. Its a slow slog to the left of yesterdays. But its moving so i’ll take it.

while i enjoy the 14-15 hr fasting, i have an equal or greater love of food.