The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

My weight loss journey thus far, still hanging out at 25lbs weight loss. I'm hoping for some more progress in the last week of the month.

I am 28.6 lbs away from my goal, which is 58-60 lbs of weight loss(180 lbs).


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I’m usually on an 18-6 eating schedule, but was stalled and even retrogressive on my weight loss. So, I attempted in concert with Ash Wednesday to stretch to 24..... I made it to 21. But blew a solid 2.0 on the keto meter this morning so I must have eased that switch back on.
I went ahead and splurged a little this week with Valentines Day and all (that evil temptress of a wife of mine gave me some Salt Water Taffy...I LOVE Salt Water Taffy). But I like Rich used Ash Wed. as a way to get back into the swing of things. A nice 24 hour fast and the weight is already back within a pound or two of where I was.

Since we are in Lent...I fully anticipate using this time to develop some healthy habits. Incorporate more fasts, limit my dairy consumption to just cheese (not that dairy is bad...I just want to try this out), stricter eating schedules (even considering OMAD). All this with some more personal reflection, meditation, and prayer. I will try to be more systematic with my exercising also.
I went ahead and splurged a little this week with Valentines Day and all (that evil temptress of a wife of mine gave me some Salt Water Taffy...I LOVE Salt Water Taffy). But I like Rich used Ash Wed. as a way to get back into the swing of things. A nice 24 hour fast and the weight is already back within a pound or two of where I was.

Since we are in Lent...I fully anticipate using this time to develop some healthy habits. Incorporate more fasts, limit my dairy consumption to just cheese (not that dairy is bad...I just want to try this out), stricter eating schedules (even considering OMAD). All this with some more personal reflection, meditation, and prayer. I will try to be more systematic with my exercising also.
I’m planning on 36 hour fasts every Friday of lent, if I can manage. OMAD would be a great addition to your keto regimen. I’ve been on it for a little over a month and feel great, no cravings and I have plenty of energy all day long. Do what’s best for you physically and spiritually.
Today was the last of my 15lb bad of weight-gain whey powder. Basically, my daily shake was the equivalent of two McDonald's quarter pounders from a carb, calorie, and protein perspective. It lasted 1 month (started on Jan.19th) and I am 0.8lbs larger. :ROFLMAO: I have a normal (i.e. non weight-gain) protein powder that I will continue with; it's about the equivalent of a chicken breast and a slice of unbuttered toast for protein & carbs. We'll see if my weight starts to drop or if the extra calories from the weigh-gain shake were just "passing through." :poop:
Sunday morning reporting time! My bulking up has continued at a pace I don't think anyone expected. This morning I weight in 4.4 lbs less than I started the month. :eek: The red 7-day rolling average line has not been going in the right direction either. :cautious:
Sunday morning reporting time! My bulking up has continued at a pace I don't think anyone expected. This morning I weight in 4.4 lbs less than I started the month. :eek: The red 7-day rolling average line has not been going in the right direction either. :cautious:
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One explanation you obviously had a little bit of belly pudge to lose before becoming muscle builder on the beach. So hold off on buying your massive order of baby oil!
How are we doing everyone? It's a short month and the monthly weigh-ins are coming up soon! This weekend in fact! WOW, that snuck up on me, how about you? The weigh-In thread has been poste din the Private section for submitting your weights.

I know my weight loss this month is way off from last month. I had a big cheat weekend over Valentine's and I still haven't fully recovered form that. I'm close, but kinda stalled out. I definitely will need to refocus for next month. I wanted to add weight lifting to my routine this month, but that never happened. But with the weather warming up and the days getting longer, that will make it easier for me to be motivated to work out.

Any changes you all plan to make for next month?
I should turn in another ten+ plus that I never want to see again.

Changes for March?

That's a hard one my lenten excercise I am doing Exodus 90 Lent version with some people from church. So that should get me through March, with all the ascetisms I'm adhering to.
Was going slow and steady until vacation hit. I ate way more than I should and had 2 carb days. Finishing off a 40+ hr fast today to kick start the whole ketosis thing. I'm scared to jump on the scale Sunday.
How are we doing everyone? It's a short month and the monthly weigh-ins are coming up soon! This weekend in fact! WOW, that snuck up on me, how about you? The weigh-In thread has been poste din the Private section for submitting your weights.

I know my weight loss this month is way off from last month. I had a big cheat weekend over Valentine's and I still haven't fully recovered form that. I'm close, but kinda stalled out. I definitely will need to refocus for next month. I wanted to add weight lifting to my routine this month, but that never happened. But with the weather warming up and the days getting longer, that will make it easier for me to be motivated to work out.

Any changes you all plan to make for next month?
I was stalled out most of the month, but I think I'll end out -8 ish lbs.

I started a Couch to 5K program yesterday and it should run for 8 weeks. So, 30 min a day of running/walking until I'm running the entire 30 minutes plus. I think this is going to work great. In addition to that, I have started lifting weights 4 days a week.

In the middle of March, my brother has invited me to do the 75 HARD program. I did this program for the entire 75 days, about two years ago and had really great success on it. My brother wants to place a wager on it and if anyone fails, the other pays up. Sibling rivalry has always been strong between us, so I'm sure we will both complete the program. The hardest part is 2 45 minute workouts per day. Working them in is kind of difficult especially with having a 3 year old.

The program includes:
  1. Follow a Diet(no alcohol or sugar)​

  2. Work out twice a day, for at least 45 minutes(one workout must be outside​

  3. Drink four litres of water per day(this one might be hard, because of my Keto diet and fasting, plus my Issues with Charlie Horses)​

  4. Take progress pictures every day​

  5. Read 10 pages from a Self help/Self improvement, Non-fiction book every day​

Weigh in time this weekend! I'm traveling for work next week, so I'll be submitting mine Sunday morning. Remember, this month's winner will be receiving a shave soap and aftershave set from Stirling Soap Co.
Weigh in time this weekend! I'm traveling for work next week, so I'll be submitting mine Sunday morning. Remember, this month's winner will be receiving a shave soap and aftershave set from Stirling Soap Co.
Safe travels! Awesome prize!

Is the percentage lost this month based off of your January end number or the first weigh in January 1st?
