The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

I was plateaued from last week Wednesday, until today. I'm glad it was short lived, I'm down 3.2 lbs in the last week. It seems like this amount of actual weight loss is more sustainable and realistic. I believe I read somewhere that 2-3lbs is the average, while on Keto with intermittent fasting. I'm still eating One Meal a Day(22 & 2) and feeling great.
Down another lb from Thursday. Been doing 2 40+ hr fasts a week. I'm skipping Wednesday and Saturday. Pretty easy except the wife is very unhappy about it.

This leaves my less than 1lbs from my goal. But I might go for the full 23lbs.

I'm sure vacation this week will hit me pretty hard. We'll see.
Lots of little blipping this week, but pretty much within a lb variance. We're cooking 1/2 a turkey for Valentines, so this should see me fearing on roast beast for the next few days.
I’ve been tapering down my calories and adjusted my macro intake to a “balanced” but lower levels while IF of 13-18 hours over the last 12 days. I’ve continued my 5k running “training”.

my weight fluctuates but i think my bmi has reduced, along with some fat measurements from my scale. I’ve started taking random time daily blood pressure and glucose levels and so far so good.

the lbs fluctuating at 200! One day under, one day over for the past 4 days. Frustrating to say the least.
Well, we splurged a bit this weekend for Valentines and it looked old like I put a couple pounds back on.
We ended up having one of our favorite fast food items for dinner last night, Popeye’s chicken sandwiches, instead of our planned Valentines dinner. So tonight we’ll be getting back on track by I eating our Lobster, Crab Legs, & Shrimp dinner with tons of butter. It’s going to be ketoriffic!
I stayed strong this weekend, we had ribeyes of dinner two nights in a row and went over by just a couple of carbs. I’m down 25 lbs total, but I’ve definitely noticed this second months weight loss slowing down a bit. I know that I need to go work out and do more cardio, I’m sure that will get the needle moving again. My goal was 15 lbs down this month, but I’m thinking 10-12 lbs is going to be more likely.
Great job everyone!!!
I got way off track this holiday weekend... had some sweet wines and some carbs. Then a couple of days off due to snow didn’t help either. I put back on 10 lbs.. eek! Going to fast today to start getting back on track. I may not win the competition this month, but I’ve got my eye on the end goal, and hope to win the Victory Shaving Co. set at the very end!

There will be setbacks along the way. As long as we stay focused on the goal of being healthier and get back on the horse, so to speak, we’ll all be better off, and happier in the end. Don’t give up!
Whether You (anyone) are the "Winner" of the overall challenge or not, ALL OF YOU are winners in my book because All of you have accepted the challenge of becoming healthier whether that's losing weight or adding weight.. The ultimate goal is not for bragging rights or winning a soap its for becoming healthier through diets and exercise and by altering your everyday behaviors.. Gaining and then losing Lbs is normal and should not make ANYONE feel bad just keep trying and you will reach your goals..
AS always I'm rooting for ALL OF YOU !!!
I've been hanging out at 209 for the last week or so. Solidly hanging out in the stall zone, but still noticing progress. Keep up the good work guys!
So I have to ask. How many days was this? I mean when I eat bad I see some fluctuations but I have never seen that bad.
5 days! I’m assuming most of that would be water weight... I sure hope so. Not sure how I could put that much on so fast.
So I have to ask. How many days was this? I mean when I eat bad I see some fluctuations but I have never seen that bad.
From my reading about keto is that glucose holds 3xs as much water. I'm guessing that as his body is holding glucose it is also holding a ton of water.
5 days! I’m assuming most of that would be water weight... I sure hope so. Not sure how I could put that much on so fast.
Yea that seems unusually high. But 5 days of overeating I guess could that.
From my reading about keto is that glucose holds 3xs as much water. I'm guessing that as his body is holding glucose it is also holding a ton of water.
Interesting... Makes sense though