The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

My wife...while supportive of what I not on board with Keto herself. She is shifting her diet to better quality of food...and is trying to eliminate most of the processed stuff...but to be honest...she eats a lot of cereal and pasta.

So...while not exactly keto friendly...I wouldn't say that the breakfast was the worse thing in the world. If you kept your net carbs to 25 grams a meal (x3 meals) you would still be doing a version of low carb. I completely disagree that blueberries are to be avoided. Berries in general have good fiber and are low carb compared to other fruit. You just cant go hog wild on them. I consume about a half a cup in my yogurt every day.

Speaking of yogurt...definitely go with a whole milk's better for you anyway. StoneyBrook has a good one. I make my own. It is stupid easy if you have an Instant takes a while...but it's one of those things that you set and forget it until it's done.

The best diet is the one you will stick with. When people ask me what diet they should go on (I assume they are on a Standard American Diet), I tell them to eat real...whole food. Get rid of the boxes and bags. But if you are looking for a diet that is low-carb but doesn't restrict everything and is not keto...check out Paleo. When I cycle off of keto I go to a paleo-ish diet. I say paleo-is, because I really like my dairy...specifically cheese.
So my wife is awesome for quality organic hone made foods. Lots of vegetables and protein but also a lot carbs. Its her version of a former soviet diet. Ahem... quite a lot of cruciferous. she grew up on an island near korea, so lots of korean style foods too. Is gochujang or kimchi bad for keto?

Lol, i totally forgot that i make yogurt often, using some whole fat skyr and organic whole fat milk from costco. Just haven’t made it since pre-thanksgiving. Man, time goes fast.

interestingly i just got back from a nice easy 35° snowy 5m run and carb manager says i am in a deficit.

So, again NOT A DIET, but a complete change in thinking and lifestyle.
THats already my definition from a while ago diet <~> lifestyle. One and same.
Once the body has become that machine, literally you can be asleep as your head hits the pillow, and get a more restful sleep. I have read reports that many adopting the KETO lifestyle get into REM sleep much quicker as well
I haven’t had an issue with that thankfully, up now around 0620 and asleep at 2400-0100. Getting 4 rounds of rem (according to my analysis) and feel pretty good. Naturally wake around 0700 on weekends with sunrise.
Ugh I hate telling him he's right, but he's old and will forget I told him he's right

But whatever "diet" you pick should really be a lifestyle change in order to have lasting healthy effects
Be nice, or that care package may NEVER find its way to Utah:devilish:
Changing sub-topics, are all of your significant others enabling and positive about the keto or other lifestyles? Its difficult without that support
I'm lucky to have a really supportive wife. She is all in for anything I need to better myself. That being said, Iryna and our 3 year old Nathan are not doing Keto with me. Iryna is Belarusian(Communist) and cannot go with out potatoes, tomatoes, and bread(she's not an American Citizen yet and still eats a lot of commie foods lol(Just Kidding)). I'm the primary cook in the family, so I still cook plenty of non-keto foods, but I just don't partake.

The rest of my family is not supportive at all..... I went to my niece's birthday party on Saturday and was basically ostracized for not eating any pizza and cake and for not drinking any beer(German Catholic family). I explained that I wasn't hungry and was on a fast and they then tried to offer me cold cuts and cheese, but I still rejected their offers. My stepfather(god love him) completely rejected my new lifestyle choice(typical of him) and insisted that it was unhealthy and that I was being obsessive.

ALL THAT being said, I'm happy with my new life style choice. I feel great, and I enjoy the way my wife looks at me. For me, working from home(full time) with the ability to strictly control all the variables, works great. I know that when we go on a family vacation to Gulf Shores Alabama in June, that I will be tested, but that's some time from now and you can work keto around any meal.

Best wishes.
Is gochujang or kimchi bad for keto?
gochujang is fermented beans, right? I think the carb count is a little high, so maybe watch it. Kimchi on the other hand...keto! And a lot of really good benefits for your gut...not to mention Vitamin K.
I'm lucky to have a really supportive wife. She is all in for anything I need to better myself.
mine normally is also, she won't actively sabotage, but definitely takes her a while to come around to view it as positive.. she does not like going without those same things you mentioned and definitely can't stop telling me my straights & honing kit is over the top.

rest of my extended family has wild dietary needs, so they will do anything to help.
Kimchi Soup is my favorite thing to make!
I don’t yet. Sauerkraut and kimchi is next on my list of things to try making. Then mead. (Although, that last one is very much not keto)
Mead is about as easy as it gets. Basic mead boiled honey and water with a champagne yeast starter. Let her mellow for two weeks, until the fermentation stops. Taste, transfer to secondary fermentation vessel. Taste, transfer to final fermentation vessel. Taste(yuck), bottle, allow to mellow 6months to 2years, taste(🔥). You can also add fruit, jolly ranchers or your choice of adjuncts(cinnamon, cloves, etc). It’s fun to make!