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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

I understand the concept and science behind keto, even just watched drberg a bit.

do most of you feel the mental clarity claimed as a benefit?

not as a counterpoint, but just as a point, i wasnt exercising for a while after an injury. I added in some exercise mostly walking about an hour & a half and since june - lost about 40lbs through today. I added some muscle building stuff recently, all basic bodyweight stuff, and I’m feeling it.

havent cut out carbs though yet. Mostly “artisan” breads, rice, steel cut oatmeal, dark chocolate. Thats a hard sell for me to give up.

where are you guys with other metrics outside of lbs and triglyceride counts? Are you tracking bmi or something else?
As for the mental clarity...It was about six to eight weeks in that I seemed to be able to pay attention to things a bit longer. I didn't notice it at first...but realized at some point I was less distracted. What was noticeable for me was the amount of energy I had. I seriously felt like I was bouncing off the walls. I no longer had that mid-afternoon crash that everyone seems to have. And I felt like I could tackle about anything. I slept better at night...and my mood was much improved. I was always a tad on the mopey side...but on Keto, things that normally would have set me off or irritate me didn't bother me one bit. There were other things too. I had this batch of acne on the back of my neck that went away. My seasonal allergies went away. The callouses on the bottom of my feet became normal. Blood Pressure wnet down (a little). I could stay out in the sun a lot longer without getting burned. And some other stuff.

As far as the carbs go...once you get into the swing of don't crave those things anymore. Not saying that those things you mentioned are bad or fact some of them have some nice health benefits (and by the way...dark chocolate isn't banned from keto fact...dark chocolate has some pretty good just can't eat a whole bar...and the darker the better with less or no sugar). But my thing is...why is someone eating a food to begin with? What are you getting out of it from a nutritional content aspect. Grains in general, don't have all that much to offer. Fiber...okay...but I can get fiber elsewhere. That's not to say that they don't taste good.

I am not a BMI fan at all. I have a very large frame. And even the times when I have been lean...BMI says I am obese. I just don't think BMI really does much for someone. Just use Body Fat %. As far as other things I track? Waist size for guys is a huge deal for me. Also...I go to the doc twice a year (at least) and do my labs. If something is out of wack...I figure out what to do to fix it. Most of the time I can figure it out. Blood Pressure is something I can't figure out though and I am starting to wonder if I am genetically predisposed to having higher than normal BP.
But my thing is...why is someone eating a food to begin with? What are you getting out of it from a nutritional content aspect.
So.... great question I’m not sure i am willing to defend either position, definitely not prepared or well versed enough in nutrition, psychology or biochem to answer well. Some might consider them selfish, others might not

While i am clearly not a flat-earther, lots of unanswered questions to life, including diet. I dont even know if we can identify risk and act appropriately if we dont all value the same goal.

Do you remember this documentary about risk management ? So good

this scene was pure gold.

But back on topic, we can definitely try to maximize whats ahead. And yes, i agree, one way is nutrition.. it just seems so lonely without doughnuts
So.... great question I’m not sure i am willing to defend either position, definitely not prepared or well versed enough in nutrition, psychology or biochem to answer well. Some might consider them selfish, others might not

While i am clearly not a flat-earther, lots of unanswered questions to life, including diet. I dont even know if we can identify risk and act appropriately if we dont all value the same goal.

Do you remember this documentary about risk management ? So good

this scene was pure gold.

But back on topic, we can definitely try to maximize whats ahead. And yes, i agree, one way is nutrition.. it just seems so lonely without doughnuts
Yeah definitely not arguing that a food is bad or good (my stance is that food shouldn't be equated to morality). I just know some people only know that they eat something because it tastes good. But there is so much more to it. You are right...there is a lot that we don't know...and I have been saying for a while now that what is good for one person might not be all that good for others. I choose not to eat grains (for the most part...I have my days) because modern wheat is nothing like ancestral wheat. They have bred or amber waves of grain into not so amber scrubs (seriously look up what they are really growing for wheat now. They have created something that is less nutritious and has more gluten, and that can resist pesticides. Guess what they are doing if something resists pesticides...spraying with pesticides...wheich we in turn eat. Anyway...don't get me wrong...I like my donuts too. We have a place here that makes the best apple fritters. My knees get week when I think of them. Plus I live in the land of beignets and kind yeah...I get my fair share of unhealthy food.

But I have goals...I have to be the last one..."There can be only one." Okay kidding...but I am 48 years old and I have a three month old daughter. I NEED to live long enough to see her graduate from high school at least! I have a friend who is the same age as me. We met in the Marine Corps. He is roughly the same build as I am (though he has skinnier legs) and that dude runs three times a week for a few miles. I would have thought he was fit and all. He has had two heart attacks already. Not even 50. That scares the crap out of me. I am worried about cancer, Alzheimer's, sever your ailment...But I am scarred that I won't be there for my daughter.

These are the reasons I do what I do. Because being fat and lazy and out of energy won't get me far through life. There are some that mock people that go on keto. My question to them is..."what's the answer then?" And don't tell me to eat less exercise more...don't tell me everything in moderation...don't tell me any of the same old things that we have been told since the 1970s. Because they don't work for me. Know what does work? Taking my own health into my hands and figuring it out on my own. Because doctors and dieticians and their standard of care just seem to want to give me a pill and tell me to exercise more and eat less. on a role and ranted. None of this was directed at just all came out. Thanks for listening Jon...whether you wanted to or not. 🤪
I very much agree with most of what you said, not sure there was any part I actually disagree with. I had a desire to have my kids early enough in my life i could run around with them ...easily, well it happened and didnt happen over the last 15 years. Too many times i was in great shape and then not.

Tbh, i dont think the relationship with doctors is great anymore and i’ve never been glass half full until last 20 years and the patient volume, knowledge changes and biases, hmos & insurance and pharma/sales interaction, celeb, social media, and book/video sales i’m just down on healthcare.

I’d like to think there was a balance in access and information but thats difficult in an imperfect “world”. Fake “Peer-reviewed” studies and incentives pushed being exposed over last couple of years is bad for science and life.

changing sub-topics, are all of your significant others enabling and positive about the keto or other lifestyles? Its difficult without that support
So i have made a small change after i read up a bit on keto. I am going to start tracking my diet and see how big or little a change i need to be in ketogenic lifestyle. Not looking great from breakfast alone.

I'm no keto expert but skip the low fat (they usually have more carbs) and go with full fat versions.
So using the carb manager app, there is a toggle to ease into the diet so i choose 14 days and will ask my wife to to see whats available. I also have chobani lowfat that seems carbs higher.

i think it will be easier to see if and where the small changes can be made rather than a wholesale change, given that my diet seems kind of ok with some exceptions (oats and rice). I have a ton of keto friendly stuff in the pantry. Maybe a good idea, maybe bad.
So using the carb manager app, there is a toggle to ease into the diet so i choose 14 days and will ask my wife to to see whats available. I also have chobani lowfat that seems carbs higher.

i think it will be easier to see if and where the small changes can be made rather than a wholesale change, given that my diet seems kind of ok with some exceptions (oats and rice). I have a ton of keto friendly stuff in the pantry. Maybe a good idea, maybe bad.

If you don't want to go 100% keto there are other options. @uacowboy and I are doing weight watchers. The program is low carb but not full keto. It's easier to adjust, I have been on it for a few years and really like it. But my employer pays for it.

You could also look into MyFitnessPal it's an app and free. I used to do that and lost my first 25 pounds on it before switching to WW
So using the carb manager app, there is a toggle to ease into the diet so i choose 14 days and will ask my wife to to see whats available. I also have chobani lowfat that seems carbs higher.

i think it will be easier to see if and where the small changes can be made rather than a wholesale change, given that my diet seems kind of ok with some exceptions (oats and rice). I have a ton of keto friendly stuff in the pantry. Maybe a good idea, maybe bad.

If you don't want to go 100% keto there are other options. @uacowboy and I are doing weight watchers. The program is low carb but not full keto. It's easier to adjust, I have been on it for a few years and really like it. But my employer pays for it.

You could also look into MyFitnessPal it's an app and free. I used to do that and lost my first 25 pounds on it before switching to WW
You most certainly don't have to go full keto to lose weight. My wife has been doing low carb and has been losing.
If you don't want to go 100% keto there are other options. @uacowboy and I are doing weight watchers. The program is low carb but not full keto. It's easier to adjust, I have been on it for a few years and really like it. But my employer pays for it.

You could also look into MyFitnessPal it's an app and free. I used to do that and lost my first 25 pounds on it before switching to WW
I’m not sure i do or dont want keto just yet. I did atkins for a summer back in mid 90s and enjoyed it but i remember it being lots of burger patties, bacon and cheese. 😝 I didn’t have much to lose but my mom needed family support.

this discussion is helpful, thx. I dont often talk to people about diet and lifestyle who aren’t extremes one way or the other and no give.

i used myfitnesspal in the past about 10yrs ago. Clearly didnt stick 😆
You most certainly don't have to go full keto to lose weight. My wife has been doing low carb and has been losing.
So I’ve been losing weight for a little over 1/2 a year incorporating walking and running - avg 6 lbs a month. According to my wife I dont have much left to give, i’m 5’11. According to the charts i can squeeze about 10% more blood out of this rock. I am in no rush as I’d like it to be sustainable but i may need a push to change something up to get there and stay there.

i must say that my diet changed over the time, probably from eliminating the work cafeteria meals & snacks while working from home.
changing sub-topics, are all of your significant others enabling and positive about the keto or other lifestyles? Its difficult without that support
My wife...while supportive of what I not on board with Keto herself. She is shifting her diet to better quality of food...and is trying to eliminate most of the processed stuff...but to be honest...she eats a lot of cereal and pasta.
So i have made a small change after i read up a bit on keto. I am going to start tracking my diet and see how big or little a change i need to be in ketogenic lifestyle. Not looking great from breakfast alone.

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So...while not exactly keto friendly...I wouldn't say that the breakfast was the worse thing in the world. If you kept your net carbs to 25 grams a meal (x3 meals) you would still be doing a version of low carb. I completely disagree that blueberries are to be avoided. Berries in general have good fiber and are low carb compared to other fruit. You just cant go hog wild on them. I consume about a half a cup in my yogurt every day.

Speaking of yogurt...definitely go with a whole milk's better for you anyway. StoneyBrook has a good one. I make my own. It is stupid easy if you have an Instant takes a while...but it's one of those things that you set and forget it until it's done.
So using the carb manager app, there is a toggle to ease into the diet so i choose 14 days and will ask my wife to to see whats available. I also have chobani lowfat that seems carbs higher.
The best diet is the one you will stick with. When people ask me what diet they should go on (I assume they are on a Standard American Diet), I tell them to eat real...whole food. Get rid of the boxes and bags. But if you are looking for a diet that is low-carb but doesn't restrict everything and is not keto...check out Paleo. When I cycle off of keto I go to a paleo-ish diet. I say paleo-is, because I really like my dairy...specifically cheese.
FWIW and IMHO, I think the Moniker of "KETO DIET" is a misnomer. It is a complete lifestyle change, and does require a commitment and a "rewiring" of the brain if you will. developed initially for children with epilepsy, the by-product was weight loss. and of course the Marketers and You Tube wannabes grabbed onto it and inserted into the obsessive "weigh loss" craze. If you look at the science it is SOLID, and of course the AMA, and pharma went against it, because if the populous is healthy, and not require their services, not to mention the years and years of mis-guided education, and marketing, that would have to be changed. Currently there are so many "experts" in KETO it is mind boggling. I tend to lean toward the pioneers in the field, rather that the "newest and more fangled" advice. It is not rocket science
Reduce Carbs, Eliminate Processed foods ( for the most part ), and tank sugar. Intermittent fasting, again is an additional tool in the tooldbox, if indeed weight loss (again the by-product of the KETO Lifestyle) is you goal then use it. Many folks have made the switch to a complete KETO lifestyle change, lost weight, and became healthier than ever before and never fasted once.

So, again NOT A DIET, but a complete change in thinking and lifestyle. Just very cool that the benefit is sustained weight loss, as long as the lifestyle is maintained to a certain degree. The only negative is in exercise performance, as it does take some time ( months in fact ) to get the body to reach performance. In most cases folks in a KETO lifestyle will have more sustained energy over a long period of exercise at a moderate pace and can go longer overall, as opposed to the burst of energies over a short period. Over time on KETO this can be overcome by using a BHB or Beta-hydroxybutrate or exogenic ketones. This had allowed me for instance to go from bonking out around 20-30 miles on the Bike to 40-80 miles on my daily rides.

All in all it is a good lifestyle change. Can it be restrictive...... Well yes and no. It just depends on you imagination with food choices and recipes, as IMHO I do not think there is a food item out there that cannot be "reverse engineered" to become a good KETO staple

As to your inquiry about energy, ABSOLUTELY. You sleep better, in shorter amounts of time, heal better, and focus and efficiency is off the chart. The only negative is that you may be up at 3:30 in the morning doing laundry, or working on something. So Melatonin in the beginning, as the body adapts is a good thing. Once the body has become that machine, literally you can be asleep as your head hits the pillow, and get a more restful sleep. I have read reports that many adopting the KETO lifestyle get into REM sleep much quicker as well