The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

Weird. The pee strip is showing no ketosis. I was in ketosis this morning and I haven't eaten anything since.
Weird. The pee strip is showing no ketosis. I was in ketosis this morning and I haven't eaten anything since.
Again, those test strips do not tell you in you are in ketosis. That’s not what they are for. They only give a reading of excess ketones in the urine, and can be an indicator of ketosis. If you’ve been fasting.... you’re in ketosis. No need for a strip to verify.
Weird. The pee strip is showing no ketosis. I was in ketosis this morning and I haven't eaten anything since.
The urine strips were actually originally designed for Diabetics to alert them if they were approaching or in Ketoacidosis. The strips are effective for registering ketones in the urine. The problem is...once you have been in ketosis for a bit the body will adjust to the amount of ketones that you need and there won't be as many excess ketones excreted through urine. After that...the urine strips are not very helpful.
Stomach feels empty but not really hungry.... strange feeling.
40 hrs!! Yay, that's awesome. And yeah, the not feeling hungry thing is very surprising when you experience it for the first time. Not needing to rely on food, or plan your day around food is very empowering.
40 hrs!! Yay, that's awesome. And yeah, the not feeling hungry thing is very surprising when you experience it for the first time. Not needing to rely on food, or plan your day around food is very empowering.
Made it 44 hours. Someone dropped off a jar of pickled eggs so I ate a few.

The feeling is I wanted to eat (I like to eat!) But not that I had to eat. Strange.

Also been watching videos and reading. If I took all the supplements they say I should it would make a whole meal all by itself.
40 hrs into the fast. Feel good. I think the electrolyte drink has helped a lot. Stomach feels empty but not really hungry.... strange feeling.

It is a weird feeling. You don't feel like you are hungry...but you think you should eat. Fasting and or keto really makes you rethink your relationship with food. All those times you thought you were starving and just couldn't make it another minute without food. And here you went two entire days without food. Not only that...but you immediately improved your grocery budget! 🤪

Also been watching videos and reading. If I took all the supplements they say I should it would make a whole meal all by itself.

I hate that...and some of the people that I get information from that I trust are steering me in the right direction sell a ton of stuff. Fasting should be simple. It's been done since the beginning of time. Mostly out of necessity. But over the last 3000 to 4000 years...people have been fasting for a variety of reasons. Don't tell me that Moses, Jesus, Plato, Socrates, Buddha, and the Dali Llama all told their students and followers that they needed crazy concoctions of this supplement or that supplement. Outside of electrolytes and/or salt...I don't think you really need anything else. Sure their might some combinations of compounds and supplements that might help you out in a fast...but do you really NEED them.

Happy for you John! Don't overdo the food tonight and see where you are at in the morning!
Anybody who tells me I need to buy anything while fasting, is someone I don’t want to listen to. I’ve been reading Dr. Jason Fungi’s books on fasting. His stuff is great and makes so much sense.