The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

Day 22 on Keto, I'm down 15.6 lbs and one pant size. Still doing One Meal a Day, for the last 11 days. My energy levels are up and I'm much more active.

I hope everyone is doing great!

It's a new week are there any SUCCESS STORIES, anyone wants to talk about???
Energy levels...this is one thing that people who don't do keto will never understand. Your energy levels go through the feel like you can really do anything. Your mood improves so much that the things that used to irritate the ever living crap out of you, no don't even phase you the slightest. There is actual science behind all of this. But seriously...I had people tell me that it was the fact that I was losing weight that made me feel good. Okay...sure...part if it was that...but man...those ketones that your liver makes and that your body uses (especially the brain) is like jet fuel for mind, body, and soul. ANd like I said...unless you have actually done keto...I mean really done keto...and for more than just a week or two...there is no way in hell others can no how you feel!

Keep it up gets better believe it or not!
Energy levels...this is one thing that people who don't do keto will never understand. Your energy levels go through the feel like you can really do anything. Your mood improves so much that the things that used to irritate the ever living crap out of you, no don't even phase you the slightest. There is actual science behind all of this. But seriously...I had people tell me that it was the fact that I was losing weight that made me feel good. Okay...sure...part if it was that...but man...those ketones that your liver makes and that your body uses (especially the brain) is like jet fuel for mind, body, and soul. ANd like I said...unless you have actually done keto...I mean really done keto...and for more than just a week or two...there is no way in hell others can no how you feel!

Keep it up gets better believe it or not!
I'm waiting for the energy to kick in. I'm basically feeling not so great.
@The Monkey
John, as we discussed, you have been on OMAD for a long time if I am understanding you, even before we started this, so you body has acclimatized to your daily routine. As I mentioned last night I would try an extended fast for 24 hrs to start , and if you are beyond that try 36 or 48 1st. Also make sure you are drinking enough water, even if you need to get some electrolytes ( NOT GATORADE too much sugar ). Either in supplemental form in a powder, pill, or even dill pickle juice. Also a hint to take two 8-ounces of water as soon as you get out of bed, and include at least a cap full of apple cider vinegar, and some before bed as well. Also you may look at BHB or exogenic ketones, this can be in powder or pill. There are electrolyte pills, and make sure your salt intake is good.

Also make sure that you are getting good supplements in the form of vitamins. It sound alot like an extended KETO flu here are some ideas you can ponder

he has a ton more as well on his Channel
I'm waiting for the energy to kick in. I'm basically feeling not so great.
How long have you been doing it John? It's going to be different for a lot of people.

If you are not feeling well, a couple things I recommend...

Drink water...make sure you get enough water. I am not saying that you need to drink two gallons of water a day...but just make an effort to get "enough."

Add some salt to the diet. People who go Keto (especially in the beginning) often don't add enough sodium in their diet. If you don't feel great throughout the day...add a pinch of salt to some water. Seriously...this helps a ton.

Some people have the Keto Flu for a couple of weeks...others just a couple of days. It seems to me that you keep teetering on the edge of it all and maybe are in and out of it frequently. The other thing you could do is a 24 hour fast to kind of help it along.

I really hope you get through this...because the feeling and benefits can be amazing!
@The Monkey
John, as we discussed, you have been on OMAD for a long time if I am understanding you, even before we started this, so you body has acclimatized to your daily routine. As I mentioned last night I would try an extended fast for 24 hrs to start , and if you are beyond that try 36 or 48 1st. Also make sure you are drinking enough water, even if you need to get some electrolytes ( NOT GATORADE too much sugar ). Either in supplemental form in a powder, pill, or even dill pickle juice. Also a hint to take two 8-ounces of water as soon as you get out of bed, and include at least a cap full of apple cider vinegar, and some before bed as well. Also you may look at BHB or exogenic ketones, this can be in powder or pill. There are electrolyte pills, and make sure your salt intake is good.

Also make sure that you are getting good supplements in the form of vitamins. It sound alot like an extended KETO flu here are some ideas you can ponder

he has a ton more as well on his Channel
You got yours in before mine. 🤪 It's nice to knw that both of us gave him pretty much the same advice. (Though I think yours was better overall!)
You got yours in before mine. 🤪 It's nice to knw that both of us gave him pretty much the same advice. (Though I think yours was better overall!)
we are of one Mind....

Okay...what I thought was the beginning of a good turn in the right direction (downward) has pretty much stopped. I think I need to reevaluate what I am doing and fine tune some things. I may just go full on keto at this point until I lose more weight.
Well congrats to all of you for sticking with it. Don't give up you Will get there... As Always , I'm rooting for ALL of you !!!!!!