The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

Pulled out the skinnier pants today and I am feeling like I have a lot more energy which is nice. Most of my weight gain happened between end of football season and start of basketball season. I still have a long ways to go but feeling better on the court!

I’m down 17.5 lbs. Keto works!


I think you’re eating healthier and losing fat. You’re not going to gain healthy weight through diet. If you want to gain muscle, you’re going to need to incorporate strength training and weight lifting. Not sure if you are, but most of the reading (skimming) of your posts, I’ve only read about supplements/dietary changes.
45 mins a day, sweating on the elliptical, KJ. Adding in some minor upper body weights now as well.
Elliptical is mainly cardio. The weights will help. Weighted squats is where it’s at. Probably the single most important overall body lift.
I haven't worked out regularly for well over a decade. In time, I hope to get things going in the right direction, but I'm happy with what's going on with my body so far.
Day 22 on Keto, I'm down 15.6 lbs and one pant size. Still doing One Meal a Day, for the last 11 days. My energy levels are up and I'm much more active.

I hope everyone is doing great!

It's a new week are there any SUCCESS STORIES, anyone wants to talk about???