The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

I'm pretty much holding steady at 157 (was 158 for 2 days ... Woot!). Holding my weight is pretty good, given how much I'm sweating during my morning workout, and my goal is to gain healthy weight.
MY FIRST TIME EVER EATING KALE! Who knew it tasted like broccoli???? I’d have tried it sooner if I knew it tasted so good, well it’s never too late to try something new. I Wok fried it with schallotts and garlic then finished it off with crumbled bacon and an egg.
5-6 cups of greens, I think. 🤔 I’ll try to get another 4-5 cups in later this afternoon.

So far the ketogenic diet has been working well for me. Well, other than the headache most of yesterday. I’m lifting, light weights and doing light cardio in the evenings(until I work my way up to heavier stuff again). I’m staying away from carbs and only eating lunch and Dinner(I haven’t been hungry for breakfast the last two days) so I guess I’m intermittent fasting.

I hope everyone else is doing really well!
MY FIRST TIME EVER EATING KALE! Who knew it tasted like broccoli???? I’d have tried it sooner if I knew it tasted so good, well it’s never too late to try something new. I Wok fried it with schallotts and garlic then finished it off with crumbled bacon and an egg.
View attachment 44436
5-6 cups of greens, I think. 🤔 I’ll try to get another 4-5 cups in later this afternoon.
View attachment 44435

So far the ketogenic diet has been working well for me. Well, other than the headache most of yesterday. I’m lifting, light weights and doing light cardio in the evenings(until I work my way up to heavier stuff again). I’m staying away from carbs and only eating lunch and Dinner(I haven’t been hungry for breakfast the last two days) so I guess I’m intermittent fasting.

I hope everyone else is doing really well!
Matt, no joke, i massage my kale (brussel sprouts and spinach too) or dehydrate it with some spices. Its way better than torn or sauteed and plated. I add to to shakshuka and eggs for brkfst.
Who knew it tasted like broccoli????


Broccoli and Kale are actually the same species of plant. In fact; Kale, Collard Greens, Kai-Lan, Broccoli, Broccoflower, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts and Kohlrabi are all cultivars of the same species: Brassica oleracea.

so I guess I’m intermittent fasting.

Yeah! And if you can compress your lunch/dinner window into 6 hours, you can see some good benefits! But you also have to have NOTHING but water tea or coffee outside that window. Anythign that can spike your insulin will ruin your fast.

Also, if you are doing keto, cook that Kale in lots of healthy fats..... butter, olive oil, coconut oil, bacon grease, etc.
View attachment 44444

Broccoli and Kale are actually the same species of plant. In fact; Kale, Collard Greens, Kai-Lan, Broccoli, Broccoflower, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts and Kohlrabi are all cultivars of the same species: Brassica oleracea.

Yeah! And if you can compress your lunch/dinner window into 6 hours, you can see some good benefits! But you also have to have NOTHING but water tea or coffee outside that window. Anythign that can spike your insulin will ruin your fast.
Yes, sir! No Snacks and only coffee and tea. My goal is to eat my lunch between 12:-12:30pm and eat my dinner between 5:30-6pm

I was aware of the connection between Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower, but not the others. What a diverse species! I'll have to give collard greens(ate them when I was I Kid, HATED THEM), Kai-lan, and Kohlrabi a try.

Thanks KJ
MY FIRST TIME EVER EATING KALE! Who knew it tasted like broccoli???? I’d have tried it sooner if I knew it tasted so good, well it’s never too late to try something new. I Wok fried it with schallotts and garlic then finished it off with crumbled bacon and an egg.
View attachment 44436
5-6 cups of greens, I think. 🤔 I’ll try to get another 4-5 cups in later this afternoon.
View attachment 44435

So far the ketogenic diet has been working well for me. Well, other than the headache most of yesterday. I’m lifting, light weights and doing light cardio in the evenings(until I work my way up to heavier stuff again). I’m staying away from carbs and only eating lunch and Dinner(I haven’t been hungry for breakfast the last two days) so I guess I’m intermittent fasting.

I hope everyone else is doing really well!
This thread is totally going to desexify the "what are you eating" pictures.
and Kohlrabi a try.
It's my absolute favorite veggie. But a little hard to find. They were common in Michigan and loved them as a kid. Only seen them a couple times in the store since I moved away. I grow them in my garden now.
Matt in the beginning be a bit careful on strenuous exercise till you are well into ketosis, as right now your body is transitoning from Burning Carbohydrates to burning fat, so too much and you could hit the wall, epecially if you are doing OMAD on a 6/18 or a 4/20 omad cycle. Begin slow it will set you up for better success later, you can also drink a Keto electroyte powder drink, or a 0/0/0 sparkling water with Stevia or xylitol ( depending on which one you like ) to assist . Also if you decide on Xylitol do not let your pets near it. Deadly to them Stevia is ok
Oh and for a nice treat bake the Kale with some salt, pepper, garlic and a bit of parmesan.. Paremesan Garlic Kale chips. You can also crush up pork rinds and wash the porkchop in a bit of egg and coat with the rinds and bake. You can do Chicken the same way to have fried Chicken
Sorry Dave, that would be Baked Chicken!
not if in a air fryer Skippy, still baked and has taste of fried
