The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

What's the recipe?
I posted it here:
Hi Dave,
I went all in for Keto on Dr. Berg's site. I started it on Sunday. I have not really been hungry this morning so far, so I think I'll be able to make it to lunch. Any pointers you want to share or cook books you would recommend?

Thanks for the info, he seems really knowledgeable and I feel comfortable making the change.
Hi Dave,
I went all in for Keto on Dr. Berg's site. I started it on Sunday. I have not really been hungry this morning so far, so I think I'll be able to make it to lunch. Any pointers you want to share or cook books you would recommend?

Thanks for the info, he seems really knowledgeable and I feel comfortable making the change.
Subscribe to his youtube channel good tips and daily stuff, no need to buy any of his stuff unless you want, you can source most of that stuff locally at a grocer, the only thing I would recommend is the electrolyte drink, Also good supplemental vitamins, the electrolyte water, MCT powder can also be used in the water and a good active pro-biotic. It will lessen or eliminate the Keto flu symptoms for you as you get into ketosis. Also CVS, walgreens, etc has ketone testing strips get those as well to see if you are maintaining yourself in ketosis. That may take a week or two, but don't get frustrated. The other topic that WILL come up is "Cheat Days" or "ME days" There are a ton of discrepancies and debates on whether it is OK So rather than give my opinion, I will let you make your own mind up. Some folks do well with a "Cheat Day", Some get knocked out of ketosis immediately, and it can take 48-96 hours to get back in , so a week wasted, but I have seen others that can get back in 24hrs. You will have to monitor your own body for that. Dr. Berg has specific opinions on it. Also from personal experience don't try OMAD right away, follow the suggestions and you will be set up for success. I looked at a ton of "experts" before I settled on Dr. Berg, but there is a ton of good information, recipes and things for you. Good Luck
This is synced with my scale


As you can see as of today I am also almost down a full 5 pounds. I share this openly for one main reason. There is a lot of talk about Keto. And keto is proven by science to work. No doubt in my mind that people can be very successful on keto. But it's important to also know that it's not for everyone. And also might not be right for you. I can't do keto for many reasons that I would prefer not discuss openly but will gladly discuss via PM. So I show this by saying if you are someone who is trying to lose weight but don't or can't do keto. It is still possible to lose weight safely and healthy like keto.

For me I have been on Weight Watchers for 5 years! Started at 335 got down to 230. Then 2020 happened and I stopped paying attention to portions and ate more candy, drank excessively more often, and just didn't care. And well look at the screenshot. I put some back on. My goal by July which is my cruise (don't ruin this covid) is to be at 250 or less. By year end I want to be at 225.

Good luck to all! Let's do this!
This is synced with my scale

View attachment 44418

As you can see as of today I am also almost down a full 5 pounds. I share this openly for one main reason. There is a lot of talk about Keto. And keto is proven by science to work. No doubt in my mind that people can be very successful on keto. But it's important to also know that it's not for everyone. And also might not be right for you. I can't do keto for many reasons that I would prefer not discuss openly but will gladly discuss via PM. So I show this by saying if you are someone who is trying to lose weight but don't or can't do keto. It is still possible to lose weight safely and healthy like keto.

For me I have been on Weight Watchers for 5 years! Started at 335 got down to 230. Then 2020 happened and I stopped paying attention to portions and ate more candy, drank excessively more often, and just didn't care. And well look at the screenshot. I put some back on. My goal by July which is my cruise (don't ruin this covid) is to be at 250 or less. By year end I want to be at 225.

Good luck to all! Let's do this!
Good job!.....keto is not for everyone, thank you! I’ve cut carbs ~75% and incorporating keto aspects, but I’m not going full keto myself either. Feel better, will weight myself Thursday or Friday (shooting for once a week). Keep up the good work.
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I sincerely hope no one mis-construed my posting as a torch for Keto. That was not my intention. It is your journey and how you get to your goal is yours and your alone. My post was for my accountability and for motivation only and sharing what works for me not as a push for KETO
I sincerely hope no one mis-construed my posting as a torch for Keto. That was not my intention. It is your journey and how you get to your goal is yours and your alone. My post was for my accountability and for motivation only and sharing what works for me not as a push for KETO
No way! It's a proven system that works! We talked about this last night. We are all in this together. Just sharing. 🙂