The Shaving Cadre

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Steve's Journal: The Saga Continues....

Shave Time!

Its been a while since I’ve updated. No reason other than I just forgot!

The last 3 shaves have all been the same

Razor: Muhle R41 OC Rose Gold
Blade: Ladas Super Stainless
Brush: Sorrentino Caramel Swirl Synthetic
Soap: WSP Mahogany
AS: WSP Mahogany

I’ve learned that Muhle R41 is probably best left reserved for multiple days worth of growth. It’s a little too aggressive to be a daily/every other day shaver for me. Also, the Ladas blade was great on the first shave but has gotten progressively worse with each shave after that.

In Other News…
Wednesday the wife and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary. We were thinking about going somewhere for a fancy dinner before we realized that my best friend happened to be playing an acoustic gig at our local pub. So beer, wings, and acoustic jams aided in the celebration!

Today we’re going to Urban Axes to celebrate the same friend’s wife’s birthday. Should be a good time. They do a tournament when you go with a large group and it’s a lot of fun. This will be the 5th year that we’ve all gone and so far I’m a 3 time champion. I lost in the last round last year, so I’m looking to reclaim the crown today!

Willie World:
Willie has gotten into the habit of waking up 4-5 times every night to go out, get a drink, beg for a snack, or just take a stroll through the house. He always wakes the wife up, so her sleep hasn’t been the best lately. I need to figure out a way to have him bug me so he gives her a break. She is his favorite human so I doubt I’ll have any luck there lol.
Heeey! Happy anniversary there Steve! Haven’t tried an axe throwing place yet…I doubt they have high enough insurance for the potential restyling damages 😂
Heeey! Happy anniversary there Steve! Haven’t tried an axe throwing place yet…I doubt they have high enough insurance for the potential restyling damages 😂
Thanks Chris!

If you have a place near you it’s a pretty fun group outing. The employees are very good at making sure you don’t destroy the place haha!
Shave Time!

Parker Semi Slant
Blade: Derby Premium
Brush: Tech Hive Synthetic
Soap: Razorock What The Puck? Blue
AS: Stirling Barbershop

Parker Semi Slant

Blade: Derby Premium
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
Soap: Stirling Hipster
AS: Stirling Hipster

First 2 outings with a slant razor for me. The Parker is a semi slant, so I guess that means it’s not as slanted as others? I dunno. Either way it didn’t feel any different during the shave, although I still have some work to do adjusting to the shape of the cap. It’s pretty angular. Otherwise I wasn’t very impressed, but I could’ve been going into these initial shaves with unrealistic expectations. I was really thinking this razor would be more efficient being a slant, but I still had to do pretty much the same shave as usual (lately a 3 pass with a touch of cleanup on the neck) to achieve the same results I would get with any of my other razors. Oh well, if nothing else it’s a good looking razor to add to the collection.

In Other News…
We’re in the midst of a complete yard realignment at work, that may tie in with prepping the land on the additional 10 acres we just acquired, which may also coincide with an increase in volume to the tune of 3000 cars per year. Been a little busy lol.

Willie World:
The master of disaster is happy to finally be able to torment his best bud Ozzy again. His face is finally almost healed completely so the cone s no longer needed. Willie seemed to have understood that Ozzy wearing the cone meant not to bother him, but now that it’s off they’ve been running back and forth through the house since I got home from work!
I figured prepping the new land would only involve a few cans of gas and a lighter.
Mmmhm, sure Steve.

Actual footage of Steve “realigning” the yard while everyone else is working…
View attachment 64523
This may or may not be very accurate….
You building a stadium?
The additional 10 brings us to 30 total at our location. We typically have 2500-2700 cars at a time but are expecting a big increase in volume in the next 6 months. The extra 10 will pretty much have us set for the foreseeable future space wise.
I figured prepping the new land would only involve a few cans of gas and a lighter.
Nah, all the trees were already cleared. We are going to have some fun taking down an old telephone pole though haha!
If anyone needs a rental…or a demolition derby car
Shave Time!

Its been a while since I’ve updated. No reason other than I just forgot!

The last 3 shaves have all been the same

Razor: Muhle R41 OC Rose Gold
Blade: Ladas Super Stainless
Brush: Sorrentino Caramel Swirl Synthetic
Soap: WSP Mahogany
AS: WSP Mahogany

I’ve learned that Muhle R41 is probably best left reserved for multiple days worth of growth. It’s a little too aggressive to be a daily/every other day shaver for me. Also, the Ladas blade was great on the first shave but has gotten progressively worse with each shave after that.

In Other News…
Wednesday the wife and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary. We were thinking about going somewhere for a fancy dinner before we realized that my best friend happened to be playing an acoustic gig at our local pub. So beer, wings, and acoustic jams aided in the celebration!

Today we’re going to Urban Axes to celebrate the same friend’s wife’s birthday. Should be a good time. They do a tournament when you go with a large group and it’s a lot of fun. This will be the 5th year that we’ve all gone and so far I’m a 3 time champion. I lost in the last round last year, so I’m looking to reclaim the crown today!

Willie World:
Willie has gotten into the habit of waking up 4-5 times every night to go out, get a drink, beg for a snack, or just take a stroll through the house. He always wakes the wife up, so her sleep hasn’t been the best lately. I need to figure out a way to have him bug me so he gives her a break. She is his favorite human so I doubt I’ll have any luck there lol.
Happy Anniversary.