The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

Even though my back is not totally back to normal, I returned to my regular resistance level on the elliptical for 45 mins and 6,100 steps. Mom went 33 mins on her treadmill with me. Upper body was 3x7x2 @50lbs dumbbell rows. I've changed from 4 sets of 5 to 3 sets of 7 reps for both bench press and dumbbell rows to push my monstrous muscles 👹 a little closer to fatigue. shoes came in. I was really leaning either toward the Brooks Adrenalin or the Hoka One One Araha. In the end I went with the Hoka's. I need to break them in, but so far they seem VERY stabilizing...which is something that I have been missing from my previous shoes. I used to wear a previous New Balance stabilizing shoe a while back. But I was tired of paying $150+ for shoes that I wasn't sure really made a difference. Fast forward ten years (maybe more) later and I am definitely having knee and back issues and I need to be smart about shoes and exercise.

The swelling in my knee has FINALLY gone completely away, but I will say that over this past week with our really cold temps we had, for the first time, my knee ached. Argh! This arthritis crap is for the birds. I need to schedule my annual visit with my Orthopedic Doctor. Not that I think anything can be done (or if I want anything done) at this point. But I need to see what is going on.

Either way...back to some weighted walking and more bike rides!
I wasn't overly conscious of shoes until I got a pair of orthotics in the fall. I use them on the elliptical rather than outside as, well, it's winter. 🤪 However, I do notice a BIG difference when I put on my worn pair of $20 Wally-Marts, as I can feel the hardness of the ground on my heel.
Pre-workout workout was 30 mins of snow shoveling this morning. Just about an inch but it was light and fluffy, so doing our place as well as the neighbour's wasn't sweat-worthy. Workout was 45 mins on the elliptical and 3x7 @70lbs bench press.

Today was the last of my 15lb bad of weight-gain whey powder. Basically, my daily shake was the equivalent of two McDonald's quarter pounders from a carb, calorie, and protein perspective. It lasted 1 month (started on Jan.19th) and I am 0.8lbs larger. :ROFLMAO: I have a normal (i.e. non weight-gain) protein powder that I will continue with; it's about the equivalent of a chicken breast and a slice of unbuttered toast for protein & carbs. We'll see if my weight starts to drop or if the extra calories from the weigh-gain shake were just "passing through." :poop:
45 mins on the elliptical, but I was slower pace-wise and only manaded 5,900 steps even after speeding up during the cool-down period. Upper body was 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell rows. Mom clocked in 32 mins on her treadmill.
Had a dishwashing accident on valentines day and between that, some ill fitting slipper issues, bad weather and work, i’ve really only done 2 or 3 5mile quick walks this week. But yesterday could only get out at about 6pm. Nice to get some fresh cold air and move the muscles.
Only a few inches of snow fell overnight and this morning, but it was the heavy pseudo-slushy kind that will just break your back shoveling. The 1-hour "get some fresh air" exercise of clearing the walks and driveways of our neighbour and ours was a workout in and of itself. My basement workout started 3 hours later than normal, but mom was patient enough to wait for me. 45 mins on the elliptical, but only 5,700 steps and 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell rows killed me, while mom jauntily strolled along for 34 mins on her treadmill without a break.
Okay, so in an attempt to actually get something consistent going...I did a weighted 2.5 mile walk yesterday and my strength routine.

I meant to add in stretching, but it kind of got lost in the shuffle.

The diet seems to be going along smoothly with just some adjustments here ad there. But I am starting to believe that lack of sleep is actually getting in my way. My problem isn't so much that I am not getting enough sleep. I probably get between six and seven hours a night right now (I know...that's still not enough...but it's what I am going to get), it's more that I don't get continuous sleep right now. I'll get three to four hours then have to get up and feed the baby then get like another hour and a half to two and a half hours of sleep. Not much I can do about that right now...
Okay, so in an attempt to actually get something consistent going...I did a weighted 2.5 mile walk yesterday and my strength routine.

I meant to add in stretching, but it kind of got lost in the shuffle.

The diet seems to be going along smoothly with just some adjustments here ad there. But I am starting to believe that lack of sleep is actually getting in my way. My problem isn't so much that I am not getting enough sleep. I probably get between six and seven hours a night right now (I know...that's still not enough...but it's what I am going to get), it's more that I don't get continuous sleep right now. I'll get three to four hours then have to get up and feed the baby then get like another hour and a half to two and a half hours of sleep. Not much I can do about that right now...
You able to get some power naps in too?
Pulled back my elliptical from 45 mins to 35 and hit 4,700 steps which is about the same pace. Upper body was 3x7 @70lb bench press. Mom joined in on the cardio work with 34 mins on her treadmill.
Okay you workout gods! I'm thinking of incorporating Farmer's walks into my routine...thoughts?

I might incorporate that in my routine, Don/Sally/Dadda. Will probably use either 2 dumbbells or an EZ-curl bar.

This morning was 35 mins and 4,800 steps. The extra 10 min from my 45 min workout appears to be simply an extension of the 30 min GLUT program by extending the low-incline period from 1 min to 11 mins just before the cool down 5-min portion, so my legs are not missing that much work. Turns out that I am still breaking a good sweat and might even be able to push a harder pace over the 30 mins (not counting the cool down) than I could maintain over 40 mins. That might even be better for me in the long run.

Mom joined in for 32 mins on her treadmill.
I might incorporate that in my routine, Don/Sally/Dadda. Will probably use either 2 dumbbells or an EZ-curl bar.
I just like the idea because I am always interested in functional exercises. Plus...if I want to go cheap on the exercise...I can just get two five gallon buckets and fill them with gravel or sand.