The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

Wifey wanted to go for a walk on her lunch; we managed only 15 mins out before it started to lightly rain, so we cut it short. Still, 20 mins outdoors hopping over puddles while avoiding doggy doo-doo provided a change-up.
... or diapers.

BTW you can move up north and learn to enjoy winter shoveling !
You laugh...

Honestly...If I had the need to split wood, shovel snow, toss around bales of hay, etc, etc, etc...then I wouldn't really need to do the types of exercises that I do now. I know each unto themselves is hard work (I've done the all) so I am not advocating a career change. But seriously...If I could unload a pile of wood from a truck...move it to my back yard, and then split wood for about 30 minutes and then load it back up. Man that would be a great workout!
.I can just get two five gallon buckets and fill them with gravel or sand.
I was reading up these and so much difference between kettlebells and dumbells, not sure thats an issue for guys like us, but Any issue with the grips, usually those buckets have bad handles? What about those sport sand bags i’ve seen people post about?
I was reading up these and so much difference between kettlebells and dumbells, not sure thats an issue for guys like us, but Any issue with the grips, usually those buckets have bad handles? What about those sport sand bags i’ve seen people post about?
I was thinking the same thing about the handles. Yeah, I think those sandbags are probably pretty good for that. They even have sandbags that are like kettlebells. I just don't want to buy a set of weights at a fixed weight and then when it is time to increase...have to buy something else. There are a lot of options though...between "dumbells" that you increase weight on or something else. Hell...a couple of backpacks with some stones even. I just think the exercise itself is very practical and functional.
Just under 4,900 steps for my 35 min elliptical workout, with mom joining in for 32 mins. Upper body was 3x7 @70lb bench press. As a bonus, I took what was on the EZ Curl bar (only 35lbs) and went for a stroll in our unfinished basement for around 100 feet or so, just to see how the grip felt.
Facetiming with @Majorrich yesterday, we somehow got on the topic of pushups. You have to understand that our conversations meander everywhere, from Canadian shingles being installed in Ohio, to ducks in a dungeon, to fitness. I decided to do show him this new fangled exercise called "push-ups" and managed to get in two or so of both the 2-handed and 1-handed type before becoming pooped. Man, I'm outta shape. :cautious:

Thanks, Rich, for showing me what a slacker I am and giving me more PT to do now. ;)
Was down and out from the end of last week till, something I ate didn't agree with me, and felt pretty crappy for about 5 days.

Thankfully the last training block was about over anyway. I'll take couple of easy weeks and get ready for another block.

In the meantime, I'm going to do some adjustments to my diet, and the spreadsheet I use to figure out how many calories of what macros I'm eating. I really got in a bad rut the last block, and I think that's what led to the gastric distress.
35 mins and 4,800 steps on the elliptical this morning, with 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell rows. Mom joined in for 33 mins on her treadmill.
Today was day 4 of Couch 2 5k, 30 minutes of walking/ jogging alternating 90 seconds of walking with 60 seconds of Jogging. I did: crunches 3X20, leg lifts 3X15, bench press 3X10, deadlifts 3X10, face pulls with resistance bands 3X10, skull crushers 3X10, and military press 3X10.
This has been a good first week of fully utilizing the gym!
Face pulls sound painful, but I bet it's a good way to build up a strong jaw. As for skull crushers, all I can think of is the Mountain's GOT work on Prince Oberyn. :eek:
That's awesome! How did it feel? And what equipment did you use?
It was fine and easier than I expected. I have about 30lbs of free weights unassigned at the moment. I used an EZ-curl bar as it allows me to adjust my wrist/arm angle based on where I hold it. Our basement is unfinished and the "short" portion allows me to walk 25' and still provide a few feet of "turning space" in the clear.
It was fine and easier than I expected. I have about 30lbs of free weights unassigned at the moment. I used an EZ-curl bar as it allows me to adjust my wrist/arm angle based on where I hold it. Our basement is unfinished and the "short" portion allows me to walk 25' and still provide a few feet of "turning space" in the clear.

This is something that I am now VERY interested in doing, the store bought equipment is more expensive than I would like. There are plenty of DIY type stuff out there though. Some are as simple as looping weights through ratchet straps. Some are more elaborate.

This one takes some galvanized pipe, chain, and pvc pipe and makes something pretty practical.
Awesome Inexpensive Homemade Farmers Walk Handles for Farmers Carry Exercises (

This one looks stupid easy to make...some hooks and pipe. But you need two curl bars and a lot of weight. I'm not interested in buying another curl bar.
Awesome Inexpensive Homemade Farmers Walk Handles for Farmers Carry Exercises (

Okay, this one is WAY more elaborate, but doesn't seem that hard to make. I like this idea because the equipment itself is going to be a significant portion of the weight. It also looks like some of the store bought equipment.


I will probably have to stretch the purchase of materials across a couple of paydays (not sure how much the pipes and flanges are). But I really like the idea of this one.
DIY Farmer's Carry Handles – SOFLETE

But the more I read about this exercise, the more I think it's a really great workout and functional.