The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

This is something that I am now VERY interested in doing, the store bought equipment is more expensive than I would like. There are plenty of DIY type stuff out there though. Some are as simple as looping weights through ratchet straps. Some are more elaborate.

This one takes some galvanized pipe, chain, and pvc pipe and makes something pretty practical.
Awesome Inexpensive Homemade Farmers Walk Handles for Farmers Carry Exercises (

This one looks stupid easy to make...some hooks and pipe. But you need two curl bars and a lot of weight. I'm not interested in buying another curl bar.
Awesome Inexpensive Homemade Farmers Walk Handles for Farmers Carry Exercises (

Okay, this one is WAY more elaborate, but doesn't seem that hard to make. I like this idea because the equipment itself is going to be a significant portion of the weight. It also looks like some of the store bought equipment.

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I will probably have to stretch the purchase of materials across a couple of paydays (not sure how much the pipes and flanges are). But I really like the idea of this one.
DIY Farmer's Carry Handles – SOFLETE

But the more I read about this exercise, the more I think it's a really great workout and functional.
that diy looks slick and really straight forward.
I will stick with my EZ-curl barl for farmer walks. As yesterday's 100lb didn't seem like an exertion, I swapped out my 25lb plates on my barbell with 10lb and 5lb plates to fit more weight on the EZ-curl bar. The EZ-curl is now almost fully loaded @150lbs (counting the 15lb bar itself) but I can probably swap out some plates to fit my last unallocated 5lbs onto it. I was 155lbs this morning so this is basically my body weight.

Workout was 100' @150lbs farmer's walk, 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell rows, followed by 35 mins on the elliptical. I could definitely feel the extra effort required for the farmer's walk @150lbs vs the 100lbs yesterday. We'll see if this is sustainable or, if I hurt any after a few days, if I need to drop some of the weight. I should be fine (I hope) as I did not have to stop and lower the weight at any point.

BONUS: 25 mins walk outside, but my wife did not like the cold drizzle, so we cut our normal length walk short. Still, it's 25 mins outside that we would not have had otherwise :)
I will stick with my EZ-curl barl for farmer walks. As yesterday's 100lb didn't seem like an exertion, I swapped out my 25lb plates on my barbell with 10lb and 5lb plates to fit more weight on the EZ-curl bar. The EZ-curl is now almost fully loaded @150lbs (counting the 15lb bar itself) but I can probably swap out some plates to fit my last unallocated 5lbs onto it. I was 155lbs this morning so this is basically my body weight.

Workout was 100' @150lbs farmer's walk, 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell rows, followed by 35 mins on the elliptical. I could definitely feel the extra effort required for the farmer's walk @150lbs vs the 100lbs yesterday. We'll see if this is sustainable or, if I hurt any after a few days, if I need to drop some of the weight. I should be fine (I hope) as I did not have to stop and lower the weight at any point.

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How are you walking with it Sam? Are you carrying it in front of you or one arm at a time?
I guess it's actually a deadlift walk, as my arms arm not perfectly straight down and It looks like what this chap is doing...

I guess I could put 70lbs of plates per dumbbell (5lb bar) to do it correctly. I think I have enough 10+5lb plates to do that, especially since one dumbbell currently is loaded @50lbs total for my rows. Not sure if the plates will fit, or if I'll have to get a slight imbalance by using a 25lb plate of one side (only have 2 of those) per dumbbell.
Okay, so I could get 70lbs total (65 plate + bar) per dumbbell. Any more and the wheel locks would not be full on. However, the plates themselves were constricting my (massive!!! :D) thighs when I tried to walk with them. I have reverted to the EZ-curl setup.

Googling around, it looks like a deadlift walk only involves taking 2-3 steps and then setting the weight down and starting over, whereas the farmer's walk is a single lift and walking for distance and/or speed with no setting the weight down. I guess what I have been doing the past 2 days is more a farmer's walk than a deadlift walk.
DB's suck for farmer's walks, like you said, the plates get in the way. The only downside with what you're doing is it could be stressful on the low back, if you're not getting that with the weight you're walking, then you're golden, IMO:
Thanks for the heads-up, Cole.

If I find my back is stressed, I can always reduce the weight until the core gets stronger. There was no pain this morning when I went with 150lbs, but I fully expect some muscles to say "Hey, dude! Whatcha doing?" because they have have not been engaged as much when I'm doing bench press, dumbbell rows, or on the elliptical. Although I must say, I did not think my core would get as much work as it has been with what I have been doing. Stomach is flatter and there is even some upper ab definition (barely :ROFLMAO:) visible.
My fingerpads were hurting this morning., most likely from the knurling on the EZ-curl bar, so I wore some workout gloves for the weight-work this morning. The 150lb farmer's walk was tough, but I made it and the back isn't complaining yet (+2 hours afterwards), so I'm hoping I'm good. Followed that with my 3x7 @70lb bench press, and 35 mins on the elliptical. Mom joined in for 30mins on her treadmill, so it's a good start to the day/week/month.
So what are your thoughts on the Farmer's walk so far? It seems as if you are giving it a good go. Yeah...Nay...any particular part of the body you feel it works more? Something you see yourself continuing to do?
Traps are letting me know that they are getting worked :eek:. Because I am using a bar, I am actually incorporating a slight shrug into my carry, which is actually a good thing. I'm only a few days in, so not sure of what gains I will see, but yes, I can see this being continued as a third part of my daily routine. When I become Uber-Hulkified, I'll probably have to pick up a few more 25lb plates. It is a simple but good exercise which engages the whole body.
Today's workout was:
- 100' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical

Mom joined in for 32 mins on her elliptical as well.
The last couple of weeks have sucked here. First I was down for 5 days with severe gastric distress (all good now, yay!)
Then, since my back and hips were feeling the need for some TLC in this off period, I went and screwed up my back stretching.
Well thankfully, I also know how to deal with it, so feeling good now, but there were a couple of grumpy days.

Yesterday, some easy bench pressing, mostly focusing and technique improvement and lots of reps in the tank. Funny what felt light and easy just a couple of weeks ago felt heavy, but also felt good just to worry about only clean reps.

Today did the same with squats.

The two sessions seemed to also be just what I needed for my back after a few days of rehabbing it.
Then, since my back and hips were feeling the need for some TLC in this off period, I went and screwed up my back stretching.

isnt that just how it goes?? Last night, I was stretching my glutes and all the sudden my ankle felt funny and not in a good way. Luckily this AM it felt fine
Today's workout was:
- 100' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7 @70lb bench press
- 35 mins on the elliptical (Mom joined in for 33 mins this morning. I think she has only missed 2-3 days since Dec.10th :love:)

The farmer's walk seems to be fitting very nicely into my morning routine. The toughest part is the actual lift itself, as I don't want to hurt my back my lifting improperly. Once it's up, it's good. In a few days (or maybe even tomorrow), I will add an extra 50' to the length, which is once circle of the basement's "walk space" I am using.
Today's workout was:
- 100' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7 @70lb bench press
- 35 mins on the elliptical (Mom joined in for 33 mins this morning. I think she has only missed 2-3 days since Dec.10th :love:)

The farmer's walk seems to be fitting very nicely into my morning routine. The toughest part is the actual lift itself, as I don't want to hurt my back my lifting improperly. Once it's up, it's good. In a few days (or maybe even tomorrow), I will add an extra 50' to the length, which is once circle of the basement's "walk space" I am using.
Good Stuff Sam! I'll be interested to hear in a Month's time or so if you feel the Farmer's Walk was worth the time and effort! I was going to "weight" (see what I did there) until I built my setup, but I have a curl bar also and might start doing what you are doing!
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell row
- 35 mins on the elliptical

I wasn't even sure that I would exercise today, as I thought I tweaked my back rolling over in the bed around 5am. However, after I was up and about for about an hour, everything was back to normal. It must have been the Magic Elixir that is coffee. :coffee:

As pondered yesterday, I did increase my Farmer's Walk from 100' to 150' and yup, that was a noticeable difference. :eek: Had to stop halfway through to change my grip as I tried starting with the innermost grip on the EZ-curl bar, before having to revert to my normal grip to complete it.
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell row
- 35 mins on the elliptical

I wasn't even sure that I would exercise today, as I thought I tweaked my back rolling over in the bed around 5am. However, after I was up and about for about an hour, everything was back to normal. It must have been the Magic Elixir that is coffee. :coffee:

As pondered yesterday, I did increase my Farmer's Walk from 100' to 150' and yup, that was a noticeable difference. :eek: Had to stop halfway through to change my grip as I tried starting with the innermost grip on the EZ-curl bar, before having to revert to my normal grip to complete it.
Whoo, close call, glad it worked it's way out.