The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

It was snowing when my kids and i left for a run, but 1/4 way through the sun came out and we were slightly over layered. Took the hat and gloves off and still got the 5 miles in but was really slow jog trying to keep under 130bpm with good form. It was lots of fun with them.
Standard 45 mins and 6,000 steps on the elliptical and I'm still sweating a good bit. Not ready to go back to a notch in resistance as I'm still below the 6,300 number that will let me know that it is time to increase. 4x5x2 @50lb dumbbell rows for the upper body (I'm MASSIVE now! 🤪) Mom joined in for 32 mins on her treadmill once again. hiking or running for the time being. The knee still has that mushy feeling. So pulled the bike down from the stand, inflated the tires and took off for a pretty nice paced bike ride. Got t he heart rate up into cardio zone a few times and stayed in the upper end of fat burn for most of the time. Will try to push it a bit more next time to get more cardio out of the bike ride. But knee didn't feel any worse for the wear. hiking or running for the time being. The knee still has that mushy feeling. So pulled the bike down from the stand, inflated the tires and took off for a pretty nice paced bike ride. Got t he heart rate up into cardio zone a few times and stayed in the upper end of fat burn for most of the time. Will try to push it a bit more next time to get more cardio out of the bike ride. But knee didn't feel any worse for the wear.
Nice Don, I find a bike to be one of the most knee friendly options there is, and really good for cardio.
I've got a Concept 7 rowing machine as well, but it's in the attic, it's a great high intensity cardio workout, but the problem is it's all or nothing, vs a bike where you can take it to any range you want.
Nice flat bench session today, starting to get much more comfortable with the new set up and technique is coming back. Just pushed past to where I was before lockdown, but everything feels better.
I can see adding a rowing machine to our (scant) indoor gym down the road.... way down the road. ;)

This morning was my standard 45 mins and 6,000 steps on the elliptical; still not getting into the 6,100-6,300 counts yet though. Mom joined in for 31 mins as well. Upper body was 4x5 @70lbs benchpress.
Yesterday was my standard 45 mins and 6,000 steps on the elliptical with 4x5x2 @50lbs dumbbell rows. Mom clocked in with 31 mins on her treadmill.

Today saw 45 mins / 6,000 on the elliptical, with 4x5 @70lbs bench press. Mom took two breaks but still managing to put in 33 mins of walking (her treadmill timer pauses when not moving). It could be a while before I am ready to push to the next resistance level on the elliptical , as I am not clocking in the extra 100-300 steps that tells me it is time to move up.
Yesterday was an active recovery day so 5mile quick walk.

today was went from a slow 40min run ended up as a slow 10K in around an hour.
For whatever reason, I was tied this morning and my pace was slower. I still managed my 5x4x2 @50lb dumbbell rows and 45 mins on the elliptical, but only put in 5,800 steps. Mom did well and clocked in 33 mins.
For whatever reason, I was tied this morning and my pace was slower. I still managed my 5x4x2 @50lb dumbbell rows and 45 mins on the elliptical, but only put in 5,800 steps. Mom did well and clocked in 33 mins.
Being tied will slow anyone down!

I was tired tied again this morning but decided to push hard on the elliptical in the 10-12 minutes before my mom joined in. I ended up hitting 6,100 steps in my 45 mins, while mom only managed 22 mins before she had to stop for an elongated bio-break. :eek: She's happy now. ;)

Upper body was 4x5 @70lbs for the upper body.
Some light snow fell overnight, so my warm-up exercises consisted of shoveling my drive+walk as well as the 80+ year-old neighbour's across the street. Upper body was 4x5x2 @50lb dumbbell rows, followed by my 45 mins and 6,100 steps on the elliptical. Mom joined in for 33 mins on her treadmill.
No now to shovel this morning, but that will change overnight. Depending on what drops, my workout tomorrow might be shoveling the 6-10 inches of snow that is being forecast. Hopefully, most of that will miss us.

This morning was my standard 45 mins and 6,000 steps on the elliptical, with 4x5 @70lbs bench press for the upper body. Mom registered another 33 mins on her treadmill as well.
No basement gym workout this morning with the elliptical and free weights. Instead, I spent an hour shoveling our driveway and the 83-year old widow's across the street. Her daily PSW and Nurse visits won't happen if her driveway and steps are not shoveled. Was a good workout in -20C (-4F) temps.

Mom surprised me as she was already on the treadmill on her own when I called after shoveling. Sounds like she is in the routine! We chatted away for the 32 mins that it took for her to clock in her 0.75 miles. Whattagal! 💃
No basement gym workout this morning with the elliptical and free weights. Instead, I spent an hour shoveling our driveway and the 83-year old widow's across the street. Her daily PSW and Nurse visits won't happen if her driveway and steps are not shoveled. Was a good workout in -20C (-4F) temps.

Mom surprised me as she was already on the treadmill on her own when I called after shoveling. Sounds like she is in the routine! We chatted away for the 32 mins that it took for her to clock in her 0.75 miles. Whattagal! 💃
You're a good man Sam!
Whew, getting towards the end of this block.
Have some slowly developing shoulder niggles, and something weird happened with my back last week. Not serious, but enough to tell me it's time to take an active recovery period.

I'd already planned to retool my squat technique, nothing was wrong with it, but thought I'd like to build it from the ground up now that my knee doesn't seem to be the main 'worry'. I evolved to a fairly close stance, knees straight forward, great for the knees, but hard on the back.
But with the weird back issue, today my body wouldn't let me squat so close. It's really strange to me, because I always squared in a more 'open' stance till this block, and getting my knee back to where I could squat regularly. The whole block, every time I thought about opening the stance, it was impossible, till today, when the other was the impossible way.

Well be that as it may, my back felt like I'd been to a rehab session afterwards, so I'll take it, sen if it meant a serious reduction in weight.
My lower back is a little stiff from yesterday's shoveling. I do bend at the knees but I expect this is purely from twisting rather than lifting. Changed up my bench press to 3x7 @70lbs instead of 4x5 and the longer sets showed up to complain at the end. 🤪 Because of my back, I still did my 45 mins on the elliptical but at a lower resistance and slower pace, only putting in 5,500 steps. Mom did 32 mins on her treadmill as well.