The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

Okay, what I didn't want to happen...happened. I have been going for weighted walks and to get the HR up, I would jog a distance to increase HR and then walk again. Once the HR dipped below 108 or so, I would jog again...and so on and so forth. Well, my left knee started to swell again. So I think I am relegated to walking/hiking and bike rides for cardio. That is until I get the rowing machine I want.
Ah crap @dangerousdon , do you know what's going on with your knee to cause that?

When I had my meniscus surgery, super soft shoes really did help fwiw, since you were asking. But of course your situation may be totally different.
Ah crap @dangerousdon , do you know what's going on with your knee to cause that?

When I had my meniscus surgery, super soft shoes really did help fwiw, since you were asking. But of course your situation may be totally different.
It's no biggie. This happens every time I get the urge to run. I need to stop it! 🤪 I had it looked at by my orthopedic doctor and she said that it's a small (almost not even noticeable). But anytime I do something with considerable swells. Nothing really bad...just enough for me to notice. It doesn't hurt it is just there. I am sure at some time I will need to get it taken care of...but for is so minor that it's not worth doing anything about. I just need to keep to low impact exercises. I go to see the orthopedic doctor once a year to just check up on things. I'll make an appointment soon to see if the knee has gotten worse.
It's no biggie. This happens every time I get the urge to run. I need to stop it! 🤪 I had it looked at by my orthopedic doctor and she said that it's a small (almost not even noticeable). But anytime I do something with considerable swells. Nothing really bad...just enough for me to notice. It doesn't hurt it is just there. I am sure at some time I will need to get it taken care of...but for is so minor that it's not worth doing anything about. I just need to keep to low impact exercises. I go to see the orthopedic doctor once a year to just check up on things. I'll make an appointment soon to see if the knee has gotten worse.
It's a small.....???

Yeah, I had to deal with that for quite a while after the meniscus surgery, this latest training streak is the best I've had, very grateful for that! Before anything would cause it to swell, but after awhile I just realized that's just how it is, sit down prop it up, put some ice on, read some TSC posts, no problem.
My PT had two ACL surgeries, and said, that's just how it is for awhile, don't panic.
My right knee (one i broke) also swells a bit more than my left typically. Not sure what to make of it outside of applying RICE, since Dr said next step outside of not doing “work” was to remove the plates and pins and i am not ready for another surgery.
45 mins and 6,000 steps this morning on the elliptical. Was a little behind pace so my "cool down" period saw me put in just over 500 steps in the last 3 minutes to hit my number. My mom did 35 mins on here treadmill and is feeling normal again. She got a kick out of watching my arms pumping away as I sprinted to the finish. 🤪
Somehow there's been a bit of a recovery bounce back last couple of days training have been better than anticipated, pressing felt well in control and strong, performance better than planned for this late in the block, I'll take it. Knock on wood as always...
“Quick” trail jog this early evening. I thought i’d go out for a quick walk/jog around the neighborhood and went left instead of right and ended up on the trails. So nice at sunset.
I was not feeling super great this morning; slight headache like a hat a little too small (or 12 kids running around). However, I was good enough to still hit the morning workout with mom, whoc clocked in 30 mins on her treadmill. Upped my benchpress to 4x5 @70lbs as my arms were good after 3 sets and then 45 mins on the elliptical. I consciously went at a much slower pace due to the headace, but still clocked in at 5,400 steps for a 120 steps/min rate. Strangely enough, that was my target pace when I started out 2 months ago. Now it's a breeze!
Sumo deadlifts done for today, just wiped out. Being in an upstairs flat, I have to lower the weight slowly to keep the neighbors from totally hating me.
Makes it so much more exhausting.

To make up for it, I'll do belt squat a little later, and bike sprints. Woohoo!
I was not feeling super great this morning; slight headache like a hat a little too small (or 12 kids running around). However, I was good enough to still hit the morning workout with mom, whoc clocked in 30 mins on her treadmill. Upped my benchpress to 4x5 @70lbs as my arms were good after 3 sets and then 45 mins on the elliptical. I consciously went at a much slower pace due to the headace, but still clocked in at 5,400 steps for a 120 steps/min rate. Strangely enough, that was my target pace when I started out 2 months ago. Now it's a breeze!

I guess that's the test, doing it even when you don't feel like it. Good job!
Post something you did at home to stay fit!
I just realized this was an at home thread!! 😂

hope you don’t mind my bastardization of the thread!

i took my girls out for a quick forest hike/run/walk at 4pm. It was an awesome 10k.
@global_dev If you're not going to the gym, you're "at home" in my book. Even if you go to the gym, if you are comfortable there, it's "pseudo-home." ;)

45 mins and 6,000 steps on the elliptical this morning, with mom also clocking in 35 mins on her treadmill. She mentioned that our morning workout/walk/chat is motivation for her to get out of bed in the morning. Upper body was 4x5x2 @50lbs dumbbells rows (yup, added a set)
I kid...sort of...seriously though...put the baby in the carrier and do 30 squats or lunges. The baby continuously gains it's a progressive work out...right?
My mom gave me a heads-up last night that she would not be working out with me this morning as my brother was dropping up to see her. I offered to call her at 8am Newfoundland time (we normally start at just past 10:30am her time) so she could get in her morning fitness routine and she laughed ... but declined my generous offer. 🤪

After shoveling the light snow that fell last night (our driveway + walk, the 83 year old's as well across the street, and two other neighbour's walks), I popped in 4x5 @70lbs on the barbell for my upper body and hit my 45 mins and 6,000 steps on the elliptical. Good start to the day.
Knee is still mildly swollen and feels a little on the "mushy" side. I think it will be ONLY the bike this week as far as the cardio goes. We will see how I feel about squats.