The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

Fell a little behind on my pace when Factimeing with mom, so my cool down period had me going fairly fast (~160 steps/min) to hit my target of 6,000 steps (3 km) for the 45 mins on the elliptical. *whew* Mom actually called me a little earlier than our normal start time as she had finished clearing the steps of light snow and figured it was better to start on the treadmill (25 mins for her) than for wait 5 mins for me to call. Atta girl!
Aware of how I had to push during my cool down time to hit my step count yesterday, I worked a little harder today. Hit my #s almost 2 minutes early, allowing me to get in 6,200 steps (3.1km) during my 45 mins on the elliptical. Mom was super energized (aka. took a 3 min break in the middle LOL) and did 32 mins on her treadmill!! Woot!
Was having some blood work done today (routine annual) and had to fast since last night, so my post-blood-lab visit workout was a simple 33 mins on the elliptical for 4,400 steps (2.2km). Mom was also feeling pooped as she was taking down the Christmas tree decorations 😜 , so she only did 20 mins. Yeah, we're lazy.
What??? I didn't post yesterday?? Whazzupwitdat? :eek:

Both yesterday and today were 45 mins (6,000 steps; 3km) on the elliptical for me and 25 mins for my mom on the treadmill. I think the 45 mins is a good solid timeframe for me. I'm sweating but the main thing is that I am getting more endurance, cario and overall fitness. When I hit the 5 min cooldown interval, I am now starting to be able to actually cool down rather than having to work hard to hit my stepcount target.
46 mins on the elliptical this morning for 6,000 steps (3km), while my mom did 25 mins on her treadmill. I'm getting in better shape as I can now start to slow my pace down during the 5 min cool down period at the end.
46 mins on the elliptical this morning for 6,000 steps (3km), while my mom did 25 mins on her treadmill. I'm getting in better shape as I can now start to slow my pace down during the 5 min cool down period at the end.
It just occurred to me...what does mom do the rest of the time? Y’all just chat while you’re finishing the workout?
I start first and call her when there is just over 30 mins left for me to go. As for what she does when not on the treadmill? Well, she gives Rich a run for his money as Couch Cushion Guardian!
45 mins on the elliptical this morning for 6,200 steps (3.1km); Mom was pooped (see, we ARE related!) and did 10 mins, took a short break and then another 10.
Switched programs on the elliptical from the WEIGHT LOSS to the GLUTE one; 45 mins and 6,400 steps (3.2km) which is a new personal best. I think that I might alternate between the two programs after a few more days of GLUTE to get the settings comfortable for me (i.e. hard workout but not too hard). Not to be outdone, my mom also hit a PB with 31 mins on her treadmill. She continues to impress me.
Bonus walk today! My wife and I went for a 35 minute "saunter" after she finished work and before supper. Temps were around freezing, so it was nice and comfortable rather than "my nose is freezing.". A say "saunter" as that's what it felt like compared to my 145 steps/min pace on the elliptical. 😜 Still, it was nice to get out for a walk.
Because I'm overshooting my 6,000 step / 3km target for my 45-min elliptical workout, rather than push for distance and build more cardio, I thought that I would increases the resistance by 1, moving from a setting of 9 to 10 out of 20. For reference, on 20, it takes me about 5-6 seconds to complete a single step ... not ready for that one yet. 😜

Even using the single increment, my mom noticed the difference in my effort as I was unable to carry on an uninterrupted conversation. She said she doesn't know why I'm tired; she feels fine and isn't even sweating. :ROFLMAO: In the end, I hit my 6,000 step target on the program in time and she put in 30 mins, tying her personal best. Come spring, she might be able to walk up the road to the mailbox!
I haven't used ellipticals much, but I also notice on my spin bike that going from a comfortable cadence to one the jumps my heart rate is a very small difference. I just barley increase the 'gear' and boom, legs start burning and heart starts pumping.
The resistance level of 10 seems to have settled in as a solid 45-min elliptical workout, proving 6,000 steps (3km) and loads of sweat. Mom "only" did 20 mins on her treadmill as she had to go shovel some snow off the steps; someone else will do her driveway. That's VERY good for her, as a month ago, shovel-vs-treadmill-vs-groceries was "pick-1" choice and now she's doing 2 without even being concerned.